Kocho Kanae x Male Reader

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I can't remember who requested this, all I remember is they also asked for a separate oneshot containing Shinobu, and a separate oneshot containing Mitsuri

Summary: you worked as a Tsugoku for the Flame Pillar, and as such were invited by him to meet the Flower Pillar, Kocho Kanae, and her Tsugoku, Tsuyuri Kanao.  Although you kept trying to talk to Kanao, Kanae repeatedly interrupted your conversations with the young girl, causing you to become quite upset with her.  Full of irritation, you eventually stormed away from the Butterfly Mansion, but not before slipping Kanao a note that told her to meet you later.  However, since Kanao hasn't met Tanjiro yet, she used her coin, and it landed on tails.  Instead of going, she threw the note in the trash, giving Kanae the chance to read it. 

(Also, reader is not in love with Kanao.  He just wants to talk to her, and help her decide without her coin)

Kocho Kanae had fallen in love.

She'd only known the H/Ced male for an hour, but she knew she wanted him for herself.  She had to have him.

She'd kept in conversation with him, refusing to allow him to leave.  Anytime his eyes wandered away from hers, she found something to grab his attention back.  She needed him.

Didn't he feel the same?  The connection they had was far to strong for anything or anyone to break, so he should have felt it.  But once more, his eyes filled with boredom and annoyance when she talked to him.  Once more his eyes wandered away from her, choosing instead to land upon her Tsugoku, Tsuyuri Kanao. 

She filled with jealousy as he asked "Why is she just sitting there?"

He was more concerned about Kanao then her.  The realization made her angry, but she kept her calm.

She bided her time, even as the lovely flower the was Y/N slipped out of her grasp, and chose to talk to Kanao. 

How could he look so happy talking to someone who only responded fifty percent of the time?  Kanae hid barely her sneer as she watched from the sidelines.

She'd have Y/N, one way or another.  She just had to keep her temper under control.

She lost her temper that very same day.

Imagine her surprise, when taking out the trash, she found a note from the very person she'd been daydreaming about. 

It wasn't addressed to her.

Rather, it had been addressed to Kanao, who from the looks of it had used her coin, and threw it out.  What luck Kanae had.

Since Kanao wasn't going, Kanae had to.

She met Y/N at the time he'd specified.  He was certainly surprised at seeing her, and had asked her where Kanao was.

It was then Kanae confessed.

"I love you."

Simple, but heartfelt.  Kanae waited with baited breath, praying to anyone who would listen for him to say yes.

Her hopes were dashed by the disgusted look on his face.

"With all due respect, Pillar-san, I've only just met you!  How can you possibly claim to love me based off of the hour I talked to you."

He went to walk away, but Kanae was desperate.

"If you don't want to be with me, that's fine.  But know, that should you date anyone else, I will kill them."

He brushed Kanae off, not knowing she wa completely serious.

Not until any woman he came into contact with started dying, one by one.

He couldn't handle the pressure, and sliced his stomach open, leaving behind a broken hearted Kanae.

She couldn't handle living without him, so she also ended up killing herself, praying she'd be reincarnated as his wife.

620 words

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