Tokito Muichiro x Female Reader

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Requested by: Ghdgdhuwj

Summary: you and Muichiro had been together for a little while, and you were very happy with him.  Despite how happy he seemed with you, your insecurities kept telling you he deserved better than you.  So you tried to push him away, hoping he'd leave and find someone better.  But Muichiro didn't.  Instead, he vowed to find out what was bothering you, and make you feel better about yourself.

Muichiro cheefully slid open the door, excitement bubbling through him at what he was about to say.

"Y/N-chan!  I'm finally done my mission, and Oyakata-sama said I can have a few days off!  That means we can go on a date!"  He grinned, though that was wiped off when he saw how down you looked.

"Y/N-chan?  Is something wrong?"

You only stared blankly at him, none of the joy he possessed mirrored on your own face.  After a moment, you responded.

"I'm fine Muichiro.  But I think I'm coming down with something, so I probably won't be able to spend time with you.  Go ahead and talk to Mr Ubuyashiki.  I'm sure he'll let you go back to missions."  You gave him a smile that was supposed to be reassuring. 

It wasn't.

The smile only made Muichiro more worried for you, and he was determined to figure out why you were so sad.

At first he thought it was him. 

But then he figured thought about how you had looked when you'd told him to leave: like you were prepared for it, but really didn't want him to leave.

Then he thought you might have been being bullied.

But you'd had solo missions, and you had told him before if other Slayers were being assholes.

The only other option... was that you upset with yourself.

When that revelation came to Muichiro, he wanted to deny it.  What did you gave to be sad about?  You were the most beautiful, talented, and smart woman on the planet!

But it was true.  Somehow, insecurity had gotten into your head, and poisoned your thoughts of how you looked.

And it was up to him, as your loyal boyfriend, to help you find yourself again.

So he started showering you with compliments.  He made you meals, he took you wherever you felt like going, he stayed by your side when you needed him most

And he reassured you of his devotion, that he'd never leave.

408 words

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