Tsugukuni Mitchikatsu x Female Reader

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Requested by: NadraKadri

Summary: will be explained during the chapter

Y/T means your type, as in your type of guy/girl

Ten years ago, Tsugukuni Mitchikatsu had it all.  He was in love with an amazing woman who clearly loved him back, he was a Hashira who slayed demons and was revered and awed by those he saved, and he was on a fast track for a better life.

Until he fucked it all up.

Him and his adoring girlfriend got into an argument, and it had all gone downhill from there.  Mitchikatsu had said more than a few things he regretted, and Y/N followed suit.  That night, they broke up. 

Y/N left that very night.  She left the Demon Slayer Corps, Japan, and practically the ends of the Earth.  No one had seen her in ten years.  

Mitchikatsu never stopped loving her regardless.  Even if she was most likely dead, he held on to the hope she would miraculously come back to the Corps.  Even if the others called him crazy, he hoped.

His hope paid off, in the end.  

His one true love came back to the Demon Slayer Corps to send aid.  Apparently, she really had left Japan, and found her true family.  The King and Queen of Hua*, a small Chinese kingdom, were her birth parents.  Y/N revealed she'd been taken by a neighboring kingdom that had their eyes on her parents land, and it was a stroke of luck they'd been brought back together while she'd been in China to learn new sword techniques.

Her parents had celebrated their return, and got her acquainted with the royal life.  

Two years after her return, Y/N continued to explain, she met her true love.

This couldn't be happening.  The Moon Pillar could only stare in horror as Y/N gestured behind her, revealing a Y/T man/woman.  And with them... three kids.  They were all clearly related to you, two with your gorgeous e/c eyes, and one sprouting your h/c hair.  

Unlike him, you had moved on.

How is this possible?  Didn't you feel like he did? Didn't you love him too?  So why?  Why were you with that scum?

Perhaps you were forced into the relationship?  That had to be it.  There was no way you would willing to give up all the love you'd had with Mitchikatsu for some royal lowlife.

That was an easy fix, then.  All he had to do was rescue you, and find out what leverage this prick had to keep you there.  Easy.

When the crowd of Demon Slayers had left, and your spouse took the kids and went inside in preparation for nighttime, you waited outside to talk to your old lover.  All you wanted to do was clarify you'd move on, and to wish him to do the same.

To Mitchikatsu, of course, all he saw was a desperation to be free from your 'forced' marriage.  To be released from the burden of kids you didn't want.  And he was going to free you.

You went on the walk Mitchikatsu requested, chatting with him about how happy you were, him listening intently.  

Perhaps you should have remembered the intense jealousy and delusions he'd had.  The very same things that made you leave him in the first place.  But you had believed he'd moved on, found someone else to place his affections.

Obviously, you were wrong.  

You found out when Mitchikatsu tried to force a kiss on you, and when you refused, tried to force himself on you, that nothing had really changed.  He was still that same creepy jackass who wanted to control you.

You fled back to your temporary home, outrunning the shocked and angry Mitchikatsu.  You needed to be with your children and husband/wife.  

It took mere minutes for you to reach the estate, and less than that for you to enter and settle into bed with your spouse.  Your katana was held tightly in your hand, and you made sure the door was closed.  If anyone came in, you'd know.

It didn't matter in the end.  You might have tried to be prepared, but the Moon Pillar was able to work around that.  All it took was a sedative stolen from the medical room in the Rumble Hashira's room, some fire, and a cloth, and no one in that room was waking up for hours.  It made abducting them all easy.

The house he'd built ages ago for him and Y/N was perfect as well.  The basement was soundproof, and could only be locked and unlocked from the outside, by a key Mitchikatsu had hidden on him at all times.  Just in case, the keyless shackles anchored to the wall were more than enough to keep his soon-to-be wife from leaving.

It was enough to keep her from saving her husband, that's for sure!

The tears of happiness that fell from her eyes when they died were exactly what Mitchikatsu needed.  They were exactly what he wanted to accomplish.

Now, no one could save her now.

*Hua is a Chinese term that means 'flower'.

824 words

Hi guys!  Sorry about the wait on any chapters.  I've been struggling (and still am) with exams and culminatings and work and bleh.  I'm going to try and have another chapter out before Friday, as I am unavailable on weekends.  Please, let me know if I made any mistakes, and feel free to check out my other books.


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