Chapter Fifty Six (Epilogue One)

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Pamukkale Fox

I feel light headed, but still I feel no pain.

Maybe I was on some strong drugs after the surgery of the new implant, I guess.

I open my heavy eyelids just to close them again because of the strong white light of the room.

I reopened them slowly this time out of curiosity until they adjusted to the light.

Alex was not there, like I have expected, but two nurses wearing blue scrubs were there, one on each side of my bed.

A tall nurse with long black straight hair, fair skin and black eyes said with a monotone voice, as if she were some robot "good morning Pamukkale Fox. Nice to see your eyes open again."

I asked, my voice scratchy and my throat sore "what happened? Why am I in this hospital?"

The other nurse with red hair and green eyes started doing some normal checkups on my eyes and vitals while that same nurse with black hair spoke again

"you had your first Headmasters device removed to discipline you and we have planted a new, friendlier one instead. You've been in a coma for two years and six months. Your age is 20 years old now. You must know that in case you have forgotten that the system hasn't changed at all. The Headmasters are still ruling the world which is called the United Earth. That means that all human beings are united and living in peace with no war. You have been entitled to a family which goes by the name Williams, and you are going to be staying with them as your family. I must warn you though that we are heading into summer anytime now and we have encountered a very cold winter the last six months. We do not have spring or autumn. We are expecting that this year summer will be quite different from previous years because of the climate change and the melting of ice from the north. So I highly advice you to stay indoors as much as possible..."

Should I tell her that I know most of this nonsense or just keep my mouth shut? I mean I might know what'll happen next but they don't know that and I don't want to risk slicing my brain open again and removing the device again and getting a new one, again. Or probably get myself killed.

Yeah I'll just shut up.

Even though I remember most of the events from the dream, even when they started to come to me as fast flashes, the only name and face that I remember is Alex, and little Alex. I just know that I'll meet Alex again later on.

God this is so confusing and hard and I still haven't started my half year before someone, who I really don't remember their name or face, comes and saves me. And I don't remember anything that has happened before getting my new device. The nurse said that I needed to be disciplined? For what? What have I done? The only thing that I remember are faint memories of me and Alex playing together with our small hands and small feet running around.

I feel this void in my brain. I really don't know how to explain it. It's like-

A certain someone caught my eye through the glass doors of my room. I haven't realized that the nurses have already left and that I was drowning deep in my thoughts.

He looked so familiar, yet I couldn't put a finger on who this was.

He was tall with a mop of chocolate brown curls on the top of his head and beautiful emerald green eyes.

He was pinching his lower lip with his index and thumb, looking at me sideways.

Suddenly his heart shaped lips curved to the side to show me a cute grin, well more like a cute smirk.. you get what I mean.

Then he winked at me, turned around, and just left. As simple as that.

Maybe this is the one and only time I'm ever going to see this handsome yet mysterious guy.

He could be a patient for all I know.

Deep down in my mind there was something that made me think. I know I have a mission to complete.

The device tried to talk to me and I tried to listen, but I can only remember scratches of this memory that I just dreamt about.

There's a goal I need to achieve. A mission that will start after half a year, give or take.

A mission that I know fragments of from the flashes I'm getting. Being provided more and more with context the longer I stay awake.

It's a memory from the future. That is what those flashes are. And everything from before today is just wiped away, replaced with false memory, like having a partner in my life named Joe, whom I seriously don't remember.. it doesn't really matter. What matters now are the flashes I'm getting.

And I have a strong feeling that I need to change them.

I have a strong feeling that I'm going to meet new people, meet people I used to know, lose people, and love people. But I still don't know any names or faces.

But I know for sure that those people will help me with my mission. I need those people to help me figure out how to change those flashes I'm getting because it wouldn't end well if I don't.

If we don't.

I don't want anyone to die in the future. Not a single living person, or even a living cell.

That's why I'll start with the Headmasters.

Yes they are the devices in our brains, if you think about it literally, but the real meaning of them is that they're Headmasters. They're people controlling the devices in our heads using those devices. They're a duo, without one the other can't do all this evil work. A headmaster can't control a human being without the device in their brains.

After I'm done with them and the real Headmaster, everything will fall into its right place this time.

I need to kill the Headmaster before it's too late.

No more deaths. No more controlling people's lives. No more headmasters and games. No more dominace in the world. We'll just live among each other in peace with nothing controlling us.

Everything will be changed.

The darkness of our future will turn into light.

We decide what is best for us because this future is my future and everyone's future.

The future will be ours.

One more chapter, just for you 🥺

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