Chapter Thirty Seven

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I fluttered my eyes open and saw the yellow fabric walls around me. I realized I was in a tent. A tent?

Then it hit me. I was with Niall sitting on the bench after I had a small fight with Harry. I must've slept on the bench and Niall brought me here, or maybe it was all just a dream.

I looked around me as I sat up. I noticed that the bags were arranged differently from the way they were in Liam's tent. Also Liam had a bright red huge bag right in the left corner, but there was nothing here.

This wasn't Liam's tent where I was supposed to sleep in along with Harry. Whose tent was this then?

Seconds later, the door zipped open to reveal a happy Niall saying cheerfully "morning Pam! Slept well last night? You were snoring and all so I guess you were knocked out really hard."

I ignored his comment and shook my head with a smile "is this your tent Niall?"

He nodded while he entered to take something from a bag that was on the other side across me.

I asked again, furrowing my eyebrows "where did you sleep then?"

He replied "I didn't. I was on watch last night. You slept on my shoulder and I figured you didn't want to see Harry first thing in the morning so I carried you here. And don't worry, you were lighter than a feather."

I searched his face to find any sign of sarcasm about the last part, but he just had a small smile on his face that put me at ease.

I thanked him before he mumbled a 'you're welcome'.

A second passed before he gasped "oh and Pam, can you promise me something?"

I nodded as he looked straight into my eyes, waiting for his answer "promise me that you'll get along again with Harry. I don't know if you know but... he really really likes you. Something has changed in him when he met you. You changed him in a good way. He needs you, trust me."

Wow, I did not expect something like that to be said by Niall himself.

I just stayed silent as he said while getting out "come on, you'll miss breakfast." Then he disappeared.

I groaned before my head hit the thin pillow.

This will be another long day.

I crawled out of the tent and immediately squinted when the harsh rays of the blazing sun hurt my eyes. I looked around me at the beehive. I swear this looked like a huge factor of working bees.

I took off the jacket I had on last night. I was melting inside because of the extreme heat of this day. I tied it around my small waist and started walking to where I saw the blondie walking away. I tried to catch up with him only to be yanked by my upper arm then my face hit a hard chest.

I winced as I looked up at the tower in front of me, which was of course Harry Styles.

I remembered what Niall made me promise just a few minutes ago but I let it go for now. I was still angry at the beauty before me.

I scowled up at him before I pulled my hand away from his saying angrily "leave me alone Harold. I don't want to see you or talk to you."

I turned around to walk away but he was in front of me again "but I wanna talk to you. Look, I chose to save you for a reason, and that won't stop me from stopping you from walking away. I was thinking about it last night after you left. I could just lock you underground or something or throw you over my shoulder so you wouldn't leave, but I don't want that. I want us to stay who we were, or what we were. And if you leaving me keeps us that way, then I'm fine with it. I don't want to hurt you or fight with you anymore. So can we be friends or maybe best friends again Pam, please?"

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