Chapter Fifteen

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As we walked quickly back inside, I asked him, desperate now to know what the hell was going on "what are you hiding from me Harry?" he didn't answer, he just looked at me dumbfounded, which made me wonder if my question wasn't clear or he was just astonished by the question and tried to cover the real answer by the stupid face he was giving me. After a short period of silence, he spoke, his voice rough "why would there be anything to hide from you love?" He's playing the 'smart and cool' card, I see. He added "plus, I would tell you anything if it considered you on the edge of the thin line of death."

That was my chance to defend myself "so you're hiding something either way, but it doesn't include the plan of my sudden and unreal death, right?" He sighed, he was definitely not running away from me this time "come on, just get over it, would you?" I walked faster which surprised him until he was behind me, then I turned around and stood in front of him, blocking his way. I insisted through clenched teeth and my knuckles turned white as I held them by my sides "Tell. Me." He stopped in his tracks, his face unreadable. He tried to walk past me but I was quick to block his way again. He sighed for the second time before he said, a sad expression taking over his features, almost grief "Niall..he..he got eaten by a shark."

A gasp escaped my mouth as I tried to cover it with my hand and my teary eyes widened. This could not be happening! Niall was suddenly dead just like that?! I just looked at harry as his sad look started turning into a slight smirk then eventually to a silly smile which showed off both of his deep cute dimples. I frowned, why was he smiling and his best friend was dead? Shouldn't he be crying now or something?

No, he wasn't just smiling now, he was pointing at me and laughing his lungs out. What the hell was wrong with him?! Was he going insane? Was he drunk? Please tell me he wasn't drunk. He said between chuckles "you should've seen your face when I said that!" more chuckles escaped his lips before he added, he raised his perfect  eyebrows in surprise "it was so priceless!!" he went on with another fit of laughter. My frown turned into a small grin just hearing his laughter, it was so precious, and I couldn't keep my scowl anymore, but my heart and mind were still oblivious to why he was laughing. His best friend was dead, right? What the hell was happening?

When his laughter died down, he said, tugging at my arm as we continued to walk down the stairs "come on, we're not planning on freezing to death now, are we?" I just shrugged as I followed him into the bedroom, the only warm place on this yacht. Seriously, how could that even be possible?! I took off my coat and placed it on the chair beside the door and watched him do the same. My mind was full of thoughts, so I asked him "so, where is Niall now?" Harry replied "on his way to the mountains, he's okay. Just don't worry too much about him."

I nodded, still watching him as he walked over to the bed and layed on it on his back, he rested his head on the pillow with his arms over his head, crossed. I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him "um, what do you think you're doing?" he glanced in my direction before he continued to observe the ceiling as he replied "going back to my beauty sleep, is there a problem with that?" I replied sarcastically"no, not at all. It's just that it isn't my turn to take the bed." I moved my hands in the air as I continued, he clearly did not get the message "You've taken your chance of sleeping or napping or whatever on the bed, and now I think it's my turn, don't you think?"

He didn't even look at me as he replied "you woke me up from my deep dreams, I'm a heavy sleeper Pam, you should've known that.." yeah because I live in your stupid brain dumbass "'s not my fault I got out of bed, it's yours." He was either crazy or has Alzheimer, but either way, he was still insane. I started "your friend was missing Harry, you think it's my bloody problem that I woke you up? Well let me tell you, it's your friend's problem, your best friend's, to be exact." He shrugged his shoulders "still not my problem." Why was he so freaking stubborn?! I shook my head and sent him a glare "it's not your choice, it's a rule, now get up." he smirked as he said "look who's being bossy now, I find that attractive, y'know?"

I slightly blushed, for the first time in forever, though I tried to hide it by looking down at my feet but I guess it didn't work. Did he find me attractive? Or was he just making fun of me? I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. What did he really mean? Soon, those red cheeks I once had, turned from a blush to slight anger as he added "and I'm not getting up, it's my bed." I snapped back "and you're such a little stubborn jerk, aren't you?" maybe I heard him stiffle a giggle, just maybe, I don't know. I sighed out of frustration before I looked at the table beside the chair, it had a bunch of framed pictures. One of them had a picture of young Niall, not too young, but it seemed like it was taken a few years ago, a brunette girl who I assumed to be his girlfriend, and a small yacht behind them in water as they were standing on the wooden floor,  the same yacht we were on right now. I smirked slightly as an idea entered my mind "it's not your yacht Harold. It's Niall's."

His eyes widened as he was about to ask "how did you-" he turned his face and saw the picture in my hand, he just mouthed an 'oh' before he said "but still, I get the bed because I saved your ass from drowning princess." there goes the dreaded nickname again. That was it, that was when all my anger I've been saving inside me started coming out quickly, which made me launch forward and jump over Harry, I gave him the best punches I could muster from my fragile body, I hit his chest and shoulders over and over again with my small bare fists. He didn't react, just stayed still as I continued with my torture, he let me express all my anger on him.

My eyes widened when I made clear contact with his jaw and cheek which made his head fly to the left as an impact from the punch. He clutched my small wrists in his big hands so easily which prevented me from hitting him anymore, he said loudly, almost in a shout, his eyebrows furrowed in anger "stop, just bloody stop! For God's sake Pam!" His face was a mess; his curls were everywhere, his nose was slightly bleeding and there was blood covering his perfect teeth, probably from his bleeding lips. He also had a small bruise for where I've hit him earlier on his cheek. His emerald eyes were so wide that I could see my reflection through them. I started to calm my anger down, which made him release my wrists once he saw me calming down, and made me release the awaiting tears as they hit his T-shirt fabric, leaving small wet dots here and there. What have I done? What was I thinking? I started sobbing as I placed my palms gently on his hard chest.

He just pulled me down beside him after wiping away some blood off his face with a tissue, he removed a fallen strand of my hair away from my face and wiped away my fallen tears with his thumb, which sent an electric spark where his thumb brushed softly against my cheek. He layed on his side and started whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm my sobbings. Why was he acting like this? I have just beaten the crap out of him and he was treating me so nicely? Something was off about that, or maybe he was just being kind and feeling pity for me. I looked up at his green eyes to see him staring back at me, but I couldn't resist his eyes, they were so mesmerizing and irresistible. I asked him the first question that popped in my mind quietly, between sobs "Harry?" he hummed in response as I went on

"why did you save me?"

his body went stiff and there was an awkward silence between us, but soon, he broke the silence as he started, his voice deep as ever "because..."

A/N: OoOoH that was so close!! I bet you can't wait to know why he saved her ;-)

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