Chapter Thirty Two

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The first thing that caught my eyes was the familiar blond hair that belonged to the one and only Irish boy, Niall.

I looked up at Harry who had an unexplainable look on his face when the doctor was working on his hands with the healers. I didn't want to break his joy by asking him if I could go and say hi to Niall, so I went anyway, he didn't even notice.

Guess I was wrong. Harry spoke up loudly "where the hell do you think you're going?!"

I turned around to look at him with wide eyes, he had his eyebrows furrowed and an angry expression on his face "I was going to say hi to Niall, is there a problem with that?"

He replied angrily "they'll think you're one of them! Do you wanna get yourself killed on your first day here??"

I snorted "oh please Harold, it's so crowded in here I could barely hear you, plus, no one will notice me!"

Without further discussion, I turned on my heels and started limping away, heading towards the blond boy, ignoring the angry calls behind me.

Suddenly, I was yanked back by my wrist and turned around to face a furious Harry, I think he looks cute...

I looked down at his completely healed hands then back up to his face, but he wasn't looking back, he was looking everywhere but me.

He muttered something under his breath as if I wasn't supposed to hear it, but I did anyways, he was speaking his mind "I swear you're gonna be the death of me."

I scoffed "I wish."

He snapped his eyes in my direction but I wasn't looking back at him now, even though he was burning holes in my face, I just had my angel mask on as I made my way with Harry following behind me like a freaking bodyguard until we reached Niall.

The blondie turned around in his chair just in time to see us standing behind him. His smile spread from ear to ear as he stood up from his place and hugged me warmly, the warmest hug I have ever experienced in my entire life. Then he shook hands with Harry who accepted it with the fakest smile I have ever seen.

Why are you so complicated, Harry Styles?

Niall started talking with me after letting go of Harry's hand "nice to see you here Pam! I've missed you so much!!"

I replied, folding my arms across my chest "then you shouldn't have left me alone with Harry, he was pretty annoying."

I looked up at Harry who was still standing by me and he didn't even blink twice at my comment.

Guess he didn't care.

Niall chuckled "yeah well, he could be pretty annoying sometimes, I'm sorry that I left you alone though, I had an emergency and they needed me here and I wasn't gonna risk someone dying while I was there with you. But to be honest, being away from camp even for a day or two was like a vacation to me."

I pouted "I bet it was, seeing the circumstances of this shitty camp. Anyway, tell Harry to never lie again to me. I thought an actual shark ate you."

Niall laughed again while patting me on my shoulder and nodding his head. We heard Harry clear his throat "you don't really have to talk in third person, I'm standing right here, that if I'm invisible to both of you."

I grabbed his arm and squeezed it with a reassuring smile "don't worry, you're not invisible, you just can't leave my side and I really want to talk to anyone other than you, about you, ya know."

I winked at him which he only responded with rolling his eyes at me.

Niall looked at Harry with a grin on his face "hey lad, never lie to my bestie again."

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