Chapter Thirty Six

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I've been thinking about two sentences Harry had said the minute I entered this camp. The first one was when we were right before the meetings and greetings with the guards, he told me that the headmasters were everywhere. The second was the one he said last night that we need each other in order to survive, or something like that.

I've been trying to understand what he meant by those two statements but I haven't found a single clue to my answer.

I was still facing the fabric wall of the tent with my eyes wide open and my arms crossed over my chest. Of course, the rocks under me always appeared wherever I slept. It was like they followed me and poked me in the ribs every time.

Plus, the owls and the cockroaches outside were having a beautiful wedding. Just imagine the orchestra playing as loud as it could but the music was horrible.

I heard Harry shuffling from behind me in his sleeping bag and I let out a short breath knowing it wasn't a murderer out there.

It was just a moment until I heard his rough morning voice "Pam, Pamukkale, you awake?"

I immediately closed my eyes shut. I was praying he didn't catch me panicking.

What time was it now anyway? His mind clock shouldn't be working right now, I  think he hadn't slept in the past few days.

I felt his finger poking at my shoulder blade, which I rolled my eyes at and stifled a groan "c'mon I know you're awake."

He kept poking me repeatedly until I huffed in annoyance and turned around to face him. His finger almost poking my eye.

I admired his face, his heavy eyelids barely opening, his pink lips pouted and a small scowl between his creased eyebrows. He was barely awake.

I snapped, but still in a quiet voice so I wouldn't annoy our neighbors "thank God I was awake or you would've seen my angry side right then for waking me up."

I paused, examining his yawning expression "go back to sleep Harry, you look knackered, you're barely awake."

Harry shook his head "can't, had a nightmare. I won't be able to sleep again this night."

I smirked "didn't know that almighty Harry Styles had nightmares."

He didn't show any reaction, he had a blank face. I cleared my throat "sorry I was trying to lighten up the mood you moody beast."

I paused, seeing no reaction from that either, I furrowed my eyebrows "wanna talk about it?"

This time he shrugged his shoulders "yeah, I'll tell you but on one condition."

I stayed focused on him, nodding my head for him to continue "you tell me what you were thinking about that kept you up all night."

I chuckled "what if I didn't wanna tell you?"

He answered with a slight smirk on his face "then I'm not telling you either. It's a win win thing."

I scuffed "I never asked to hear about it. I was doing something nice in order to make time fly till it's morning. It's totally up to you if you don't want to tell me."

He sighed, rubbing his puffy eyes with the heels of his palms "fine. Just to make time fly, but you're telling me your thoughts."

I shrugged with a slight smirk "if I wanted to."

He gave me a cold stare, shaking his head slowly "I won't utter a single word if you won't either."

I kept my stare still on his green eyes, if you really look at them, you can see there are  few blue and hazel spots here and there, his eyes were so beautiful.

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