Chapter Twenty Nine

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I fluttered my eyes open the minute I heard the birds chirping in the trees, indicating that it was finally morning, and it was. I could feel the blazing sun over my face, it came through the huge foliage above, it was so strong that I really thought the leaves were translucent.

Somehow, I managed to turn around in my sleep without hurting my thigh, miraculously, so I wasn't facing Harry. I had my back pressed to a strong muscular chest behind me and a tight arm around my waist holding me hostage.

I tried to push his hand away but it was too heavy and he was drowning in his sleep. I felt his warm breath on my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

Although, I did manage to turn around yet again to face him, with his arm still drooped around my waist. But it was such a bad idea; I was face to face with Harry, only inches separating us apart. Our noses almost touching.

I found it funny somehow. I was face to face with Harry and here I was, instead of trying to move away, I was staring at his beautiful face.

He looked so peaceful. His curls fell over his eyes as usual, his slight scowl of his eyebrows and his plumped pink lips slightly parted as soft breathes escaped from there.

I would give anything to see Harry sleeping so heavenly.

I moved his chocolate locks away from his eyes and whispered "Harry, it's morning, we have to get going. Wake up you sleepyhead."

He groaned as he pulled me even closer to him if that was even possible before he buried his face in the crook of my neck which made me giggle at the slight contact of his nose brushing my sensitive skin.

He said, his voice deep and raspy "I don't want to, I'm good here."

I tapped his hand which was still around my waist as I replied "come on, we don't have time to waste! They'll be here any minute now Haz!"

He groaned again as he released his grip and turned onto his back, he rubbed his sleepy eyes as he said under his breath "you're so annoying."

I sat up as I replied with a bitter chuckle "well, I get that a lot. Thank you." 

He didn't say anything as he stood up, spread his arms so wide as he stretched his sore muscles letting out a small grunt.

My muscles were on fire from pain. I could feel where the rock digged into my side where I was sleeping. I'm sure I have to deal with its pain later on.

I ran a hand through my hair as I watched him pick up some sticks from the ground and throw them into the turned off bonfire.

He walked over to his own sleeping bag which was spread on the ground and picked it up, folded it back into its original shape.

I was watching him all that time. How his back muscles flexed from under his tight shirt and his tanned biceps burning under the blazing sun.

I asked, boredom laced in my voice "are you gonna help me sit in that crappy chair? Because if you don't, I will stand up, and I don't think you want me to do that, especially not here, in this dirty place, full of germs and viruses."

He looked back at me, sending me a death glare as I returned an angelic one.

He huffed as he opened the wheel chair then walked over to me, scooped me up in bridal style then placed me slowly and carefully on the wheel chair. I muttered a thank you and he said "yeah, anytime." annoyance in his voice. He's definitely not a morning person.

He went back to my own sleeping bag that we shared and folded it back. He gave me my backpack and I placed it beside me.

Then, after a few minutes of packing the rest of our things, the wheel chair started rolling upwards, under the burning sun and the hot breeze. We went through the mysterious forest.

After a while of just walking, the world seemed to slow down with every step Harry took, the squeaking sound of the chair was driving me crazy!

To top all that, a fallen tree, well enormous tree, was right infront of us now, blocking our only way.

I could hear the river, the sound of water rushing slowly somewhere out there, just a little thin line of water, I suppose.

We were so close to human civilizations, hopefully the camp we were searching for.

Harry said "Dammit, a bloody dead end. What are we supposed to do now?!"

I thought for a moment, I suggested as I looked up at him "first of all, calm down mister, it's not the end of the world. I was thinking that I could climb over that with one leg, I mean, I can take care of myself while crossing this tree while you carry the stuff."

I heard him hum in response, he answered "genious, but what if you fell and tumbled down this mountain all this way we crossed, well the road I crossed, you were just sitting there, not feeling the fire in your legs when you walk."

I replied "don't worry about me, plus, you chose to save me. You could've just left me to die."

He went silent for a moment before he said with a sigh "okay then, stand up."

I did, balancing myself on one leg before weighing myself on the tree beside me, this wasn't too bad like I have expected.

I watched him as he folded the chair until it was so small for him to hold. I started jumping. I held the trees that were by my sides like they would be the only thing left for me to hold on so I wouldn't die, and they truely were there for that purpose, or so I believed.

I mean, the road is super sharp that I sometimes had to grab the grass and bushes on the ground.

I made it over the large log, with the help of the trees, the grass and the bushes, and of course Harry's large hand whenever I was about to fall.

I stood there, waiting for Harry to cross the fallen tree. When he did, with a few curses whenever he was about to slip, he pulled the chair open just to realize that the ground was no longer able to give us the proper angle for the wheels to roll up the rest of the way to camp.

Shoot! That was a problem now.

We exchanged wide eyes, realization hit us hard like a rock.

I had to climb up the rest of the way, no wheel chairs, and Harry looked like he's barely holding himself on his feet with all the heavy bags hanging off his shoulders.

I said reassuring, although I was not so sure about my decision "it's okay, I can make it up there, it's not a long distance. Plus, I can carry a light bag if you want."

He protested "but what if-"

I cut him off "no Harry, I promise you I'll be alright. Now let's go. We cannot stay here forever, right?"

He nodded, giving up "alright then. Let's go."

We started crawling and walking at the same time, because you know, it was pretty steepy hard.

With every step I'd take, I'd wince, I'd feel tiny needles stinging me where my thigh was stitched, again. So I'd stop every once in a while to rest.

Harry would wait for me by my side, but not too patiently as he would keep hurrying me up. Then we'd start walking again.

Just like that, without any exchange of words, we made it one step closer to camp followed by another step and so on. It was painful, tiring, hot, and uncomfortable.

But then was worth it.

All the love XX

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