Chapter Thirty Four

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Previously on Future: 

Zayn looked at me then back at the guy as he said to him "this is Pamukkale. The girl everyone talks about."

Zayn looked at me "Pam, this is-"

"Alex. He's my brother."


It came out as a whisper from my mouth, but I was sure both of them heard it.

Floods of memories came flashing through my mind; the swing set, footsteps running across the grass field, the birds chirping in the high trees, the huge house beside the garden.

My whole childhood flashed before my eyes, and there was not even one picture of memory without that one little boy, who turned my life upside down when he was born.

He was my brother, my real one, and I never thought I'd see him again. They took him away from my arms while I clinged to him to protect him from them, but I couldn't.

Before I knew it, I was wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him the same way I was doing when they took him away.

I breathed out as tears started rolling down my cheeks and onto his blue T-shirt, he hasn't changed, not one bit "Alex! Is this really you?"

I couldn't resist the smile creeping on my face when he nodded and hugged me back.

He was much taller now, almost like Harry's height.

He whispered, probably scared of what his voice would sound like right now  with all these emotions "I never thought I'd see you again Pam."

I shook my head "me neither, me neither Alex."

He sniffled, his voice cracking at the end "I missed you every day."

I replied, my voice matching his "I missed you every day too."

Zayn interrupted "so, this is kind of a family reunion?"

No Zayn, we're hugging because we felt like it.

We let go of each other and starting wiping our tears while we exchanged smiles from ear to ear.

Alex replied "yeah, you can say that it's kind of a family reunion."

Then I remembered, Harry said something about a surprise here, but I thought that the healer was the surprise, but now I think this was it. It was Alex, and he was one hell of a surprise.

Zayn mouthed an 'oh' before he said "should I leave you two to catch up?"

I shook my head, disappointed "no, I need to see Harry first. Besides, we have plenty of time to catch up, right?"

Alex nodded "if you say so Pam, I don't mind."

Zayn offered "come on, let me take you back to Harry, see where he's now."

We all walked where the fight had been, they were still gathered, but not as many people as when it first started.

There was a group around Harry and a group around Louis, calming them down.

I made my way through Harry's crowd and when he noticed my approach, his face was unreadable, I forgot how bad it looked.

His eyes were wide open when he saw me, fire flaming inside of them.

He stood up from where he was sitting on the edge of a bed and started to make his way towards me, but I shook my head, letting him know that I'm approaching him and that it's too crowded to meet in the middle of it.

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