Chapter Thirty Three

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I was dreaming of something I could not quite understand. It was like a mixed up dream. I couldn't understand what was happening, there were all kinds of colours, then I saw all kinds of animals, then every human being I had ever seen in my life, but I couldn't recognize most of them.

Then everything faded. I was left alone surrounded by darkness before an extremely enormous white door cracked open a bit to illuminate the white light behind it.

I walked slowly towards it and reached my hand to hold the doorknob, but my action was stopped midway when a hand grabbed my upper arm.

I turned around to see who it was, but there was no face, no hair, nothing that could tell me who the hell that was.

All I know that this person didn't want me to open that door.

Then a voice came out from them, even though they had no mouth, but I didn't question it.

They said "don't give up on me now Pam. I need you in my life. Don't choose to leave me. Stay."

I didn't even know what he meant, but I knew the person was a boy. I mean it was only a door, maybe there was a room behind it or something.

I gasped for air as my eyes flew wide open to meet a normal light. This light was different, it was more real.

That's how I knew I was still alive, and I was in the same tent I got inside at first; the ER one.

Its ceiling was different from the OR one. The sight of the ceiling was replaced by a pair of green eyes looking straight at my soul.

My eyes were somehow blurry, but my hearing came back, and I heard someone say "she's stable now. Page me if anything changes."

What did he mean? I'm stable now?

I just kept my eyes locked with Harry's before I breathed out with a faint smile "Harry. You're here."

He had a solemn face.

Why was he mad? Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong?

Harry replied, placing his hand on my cheek while his bloodshot eyes darted between mine, his voice raspy "don't scare me like that ever again Pam, okay?"

I answered, completely concerned "why, what happened?"

Before he could answer, I added, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion "Harry, you left me in there all alone with Niall and Liam. You promised me that you'll be there the whole time."

He answered "You left me. Twice. Once in the OR and a few seconds ago!"

I didn't understand at first, but a few seconds later it hit me hard like a brick to the face.

My eyes started to water and I stuttered "I d... died?! Twice?! Am I...Am I still dying?!"

He looked down at my hand before he grabbed it and squeezed it while he shook his head "no, you're no longer dying, you're alive now, you're with me, yeah?"

He gave me quick smile and I swear I saw him wipe off some tears just before they hit his cheeks.

He wasn't mad at me, he was sad, he looked sad.

He looked down at his lap while his smile disappeared completely.

My brain felt like it was swelling and my face flushed of how much I was trying to keep my tears from falling, but they rolled down my face and hit the pillow below my head. As I took in a shaky breath, wiping the remains of my tears with the palm of my hand, I felt that the pressure in my head had lessend a bit.

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