Chapter Forty Four

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I stayed up all night sitting on a log and looking out at the forest before me after I've checked on Louis. He was barely holding on to his life while Liam was barely holding on to his sanity. Louis wasn't pretty stable, he looked way worse than Harry. He had a swollen eye and a huge gash on his forehead with his face littered with cuts. The rest of his body was left to my imagination but I think he's got some serious injuries under that sheet. I bet no one slept at all that night, afraid that if they close their eyes for one second their loved ones would be gone forever, or that they would throw a bomb at us and kill us all. Even though some wouldn't show the fear on their faces.

I couldn't stay with Harry any longer because the more I looked at his injuries the more I blamed myself for it. I made sure he was deep in his sleep before I snuck out there to sit on this log.

I watched the sunrise almost burning the trees covering its way directly into my eyes, but the sight of the trees was almost too real.

Then it hit me. The trees were literally on fire, spreading its way towards the camp.

Dammit! I had to do something!

I stood up and sprinted trying to find someone, anyone.

Finally, I found Niall. I swear this guy never sleeps.

My uneven breathes from sprinting made it so hard to form words without stuttering "Niall.. the.. f-fire... trees.. th-they're.."

He held my upper arms tightly and forced me to look up at him "Pamukkale, what are you trying to say?"

I swear I'm trying here Niall, just put the pieces together dammit


His eyes widened as he asked frantically "where?!"

I pointed at the place where I saw the fire before.

There I saw it. The smoke was visible now and the burning smell invaded my nostrils.

Niall muttered under his breath "bloody hell."

He paused "find Liam and Alex. Tell them to wake everyone. We have to move now!"

I sprinted once again in search for the boys while waking people on my way.

I found them and told them what the hell was happening but they were too busy talking about something that they didn't even acknowledge my presence.

They had their backs to me with two more people beside them, blocking my vision to see what they were looking and talking about.

I could hear loud voices but I couldn't understand the words they were saying. A man from their group turned around to face me as he said "what the hell are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here. Get her away until we're finished."

I furrowed my eyebrows in anger "but why? What the hell are you doing that it's supposed to stay a secret?!"

I pushed hard at the man's chest who was supposed to escort me away. I managed to push him just inches away from me, but it was enough for me to squeeze my way through their huge bodies and into the middle of the whole scene.

They all stopped talking and looked at me with wide eyes. There was someone covered from head to toe with a white sheet, a dead body, but I didn't know who it was.

The man, standing beside the dead body, said while removing his hands from the white sheet after tugging the body completely with it "time of death, 6:35."

I asked firmly, feeling my heart ache without the need to know who this person was, but I wanted to know "who's that?"

Liam stepped closer to me " you really don't wanna know that."

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