Chapter Seven

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   As if he was reading my mind with some kind of supernatural power, he said while walking "I know you have billion questions in that pretty head of yours and I'll answer one question at a time, deal?"

I nodded but remembered that he couldn't see me since he was too focused on our way ahead of us, so I replied with a yes before I started asking, although I didn't know where to start from, but I asked anyway "what's in the mountains Harry?" He answered without hesitation as I tried to keep up with his fast pace duo to his long legs "there is fresh water there from the rivers, unlike the salty one of the sea."

I questioned furrowing my eyebrows "is it safe there? How do you know?" he replied with his deep voice echoing through my sensitive ears "I guess it is, but I'm not so sure though. As I said before, they can always track us by our implants. I've got some friends who made it there before I did, I was heading there before all this happened."

Why would someone head to the mountains if he already has a house on a normal flat ground? Who is following him? What kind of threat is there? I said, spreading my hands in the air with confusion "why were you going to the mountains alone? Do you have a family and a house here? " he sighed, a sad look taking over his facial expressions "no, my parents died when I was eight.." oh my God " sister and I were thrown into foster care until some family adopted us since our grandma wasn't able to take care and look after us, but the family didn't love us, they were abusing us until we ran away from them. That's when we started our own lives alone and rented a small house. My sister is now in England working there, but I chose to stay here." that's a very tragic story, he doesn't even have a family. And they say we're equal, ugh!! I muttered slowly "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

It seemed that he was  wiping a tear. I acted as if I didn't see him, he just didn't say anything. After a period of silence, I started asking again, but the questions rushed so quickly from my lips, along with the confusion that was drowning me "who are they? The ones who want us? And why are you the only one who knew that you had to go to the mountains except your friends? Who are your friends? How did you know where to go? Why are they following you? And is it just you or me too? Why me?"

He turned around facing me raising his palms in my face to stop me from both talking and walking. His brows were raised too and his lips curved in a thin line as he snapped "hold on a minute.." well I can't hold on a minute it's too tiny, I'd slip "..I said one question at a time, not a hundred questions. I'll answer you, I'm not gonna run away without you.." you do that and I'll chop off your curly head before I die " please shut up until I finish answering these questions you just asked, no interrupting."

I felt a bit disappointed that I won't be able to discuss his answers, but either way, I would do it, whether he liked it or not, he was not my boss to tell me what I should or shouldn't do, I hate it when people tell me what to do or not, I'm actually sick of it, I mean, my family could be dead right now and I'm taking orders from a stranger I just met?!! Well, that's not gonna happen. I didn't want to start a fight so I just agreed, planning to break this rule from the first answer.

A/N: Another chapter WOOHOO!! Do you think that Harry is lying? Why, or why not?

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