Chapter Fifty Four

115 3 53

Pamukkale Fox

Trees were on fire and more than  hundred bodies laid there dead over puddles of their own blood. I walked between them with my gun held firmly in my hand. I even crossed over some and almost tripped right over one.

I was desperate to find the face I have memorized too much that it's printed in my mind forever.

I walked further more until I spotted the head of curls that belonged to the one and only Harry I know.

But I really wish I hadn't found him.

He was laying against a big rock, holding his arm and his chest heaving heavily. His face was covered with dark red spots along with purple bruises and small glass splinters. A pool of maroon blood under him. He looked like he got straight out of a horror movie with pain and agony written all over his mapped face.

Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes before I hurried towards him and knelt beside him, not knowing where to put my hands without hurting him more than he already was.

His closed eyes slowly opened when he heard my cries. His green emerald eyes were filled with darkness and sadness I have never seen before.

I placed my fingers gently on his face in places empty of red spots, shushing him when he tried to speak. I didn't want him to talk because I knew it would hurt more.

I had wells in my eyes, making my vision go slightly blurry as I slowly stroked his dirty curls away from his beautiful face.

Even with blood covering his face, he still was beautiful.

I watched him open his mouth to try to speak again and I didn't dare stop him this time. I watched his Adam's apple moving in his neck before he parted his lips and his bloody teeth were on display, he only said one word though..


I looked at him in confusion as to why he'd say Liam's name. Was he okay? Is he still alive? I don't understand!

I raised an eyebrow "what about him? Is he dead? What's wrong? We need to get you inside before you bleed to death Harry."

Harry tried shaking his head very slightly as he said another one word answer..


Realization hit me like a damn brick in the face. Of course, Liam's the spy Alex told me about. But I still don't understand how the hell all of this happened?! I need more information from Harry and I need it now.

But before I could ask another question, a strange but yet familiar voice came up from behind me, with a hint of disgust too "well this is getting boring Harry so let me interfere. Hello Pam, nice to see you very much alive, unfortunately of course."

I turned around slowly to face Liam, but it looked like his other half of a body had been peeled off to expose the electric lights with blue veins under the artificial translucent glowing skin, more like metal skin.

It was really him all this time.

He fooled us all.

I kept my eyebrows furrowed "what do you want from me?" I said with an attitude, but I didn't really care at that moment.

His evil laugh almost punctured my eardrums. Cyborg Liam replied, inching closer and closer towards me until my back hit the rock next to Harry "revenge, love. I couldn't control you, neither those idiots you call yourselves Runaways. But you were the most stubborn of them all."

He paused, his human pupil wide in alert "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

No way he could've seen me reaching for my gun that was right beside me. Of course I wasn't going to listen to him, he had no weapons to hurt me. I took the chance and grabbed the gun, aimed it towards him and shot twice in his direction in a matter of seconds.

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