Chapter Forty Five

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After two bloody days of walking through the forest, I finally found the old bookstore that marked the driveway to the building of my apartment.

The road wasn't the same as it was. It was covered in a white layer of salt that crunched under my shoes, and you could see fish laying around here and there, probably after the flood of the ocean, water dried out.

The buildings were a disaster; all the windows were broken, some were boarded up with wooden slabs but I don't think anyone is alive on this street except for me. The paint of the buildings was no longer to be seen, washed away with the salted water.

The streetlights were hanging on for dear life, the car signs were bent or even broken and thrown somewhere else.

The cars were flipped upside down and crushed to the ground, like they'd merge with the cement at one point, as if a giant steel leg was smashing everything in its way.

But the one thing that stood out the most of everything that was surrounding me were the piles of dead corpses on either side of the street, as if someone moved them away from the road, because there was no way all of these people died on the sidewalks and none on the street.

I continued to walk through the wrecked city, the air felt so dry from oxygen that I was barely breathing without coughing my lungs out to allow the particles of oxygen to enter my system before I blacked out on the spot.

It was night, but the red colours all around illuminated the road enough for me to see where I was going.

It was getting hotter in the day and colder at night, so I decided to walk at night and sleep during the day, like some kind of a bat-woman.

I had Harry's hoodie hugging my body, making me drown in the scent of his cologne that somehow managed to stick to most of his clothes. It smelled like trees on a summer evening, like the sea with its crashing waves on the beach, so comfortable that it made me miss him so much and it's only been two days away from him.

I haven't realized that my legs were carrying me away before I could think about where they were taking me until they came to a stop in front of the couple of stairs that reached to the building of my apartment. It was the only building that had fancy balconies, except it's only the decor of the balconies that were left of it scattered on the ground. The building wasn't there anymore, as if it transformed to a pile of rocks, just bits and pieces of what was left of it.

My family was all inside this building, waiting for me and my relatives to arrive for that dinner. My mum, my dad, my relatives, and even the person whom I lived so many years with and loved him to the level to call him my brother, the people whom I lived most of my life with, long enough to call them my family, were all dead now.

My eyes welled with tears as I fell to my knees and held the fancy rocks in my small fragile hand. There was no sign of life inside this wreck. I should've known better though, I knew what happened to the world around me and that so many innocent people died, but I still had little hope that they were still alive even when I said so many times that they were dead already, I didn't believe that until I saw it with my own eyes.

And today, I saw it with my own eyes.

They were all dead. 

My mum, dad, brother, relatives, Louis, Zayn, Olivia, and all the other human beings who died.. because of me.

I could feel the hot tears rolling down my face. I didn't realize I was crying so hard that I had to inhale deeply to breathe. I started wiping my tears with the back of my hand but it was no use. The tears kept gushing out of my eyes like a flooded river. Feeling my head pound as I tried to hold them back but couldn't. My face hot as I let out a loud cry, the one you hear from someone who has been keeping all the pain to themselves and now they've let it out. I wailed like a hurt cat in the middle of the road. No one was there to hear my screams and I didn't even care if there was. I just needed to let it all sink in because I couldn't take it anymore.

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