Chapter Forty Two

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WARNING: description of blood, gun violence and murder.


After what seemed like hours of talking with Olivia, we were both startled to death when the makeshift door flew open without warning. We both screamed in horror until we realized who it was.

A very very angry Harry with his fingers running through his now messy hair showed up. His breaths were heavy and his eyes shoot daggers at us.

He spoke between breaths "where the hell have you been?!"

I was sure he'd be shouting if he weren't so out of breath.

"I thought you were bloody passed out behind some tree, or worse! Maybe kidnapped!"

Olivia said, pointing her index in his direction "hey! First of all, calm your shit. She's safe and sound. No need to over-react."

Harry's once roaming eyes locked with hers. His wide eyes filled with anger as he snapped "calm my shit?! She was not supposed to bloody leave her bed! She was not supposed to leave my sight! At least I thought she was safe and I knew where she was when I bloody left!"

I ranted "and she wasn't supposed to have her own bloody bodyguard. She was supposed to socialize with other humans because that's what humans are supposed to do or else they'll go crazy. She wasn't supposed to feel alone, she doesn't like it when other people tell her what to do and she definitely doesn't like it when you're talking about her in third person while she's in the same room as you asshole!"

My chest was heaving rapidly from all the ranting. He's so unbelievable.

I said calmly afterwards, not even glancing back again at him "I'm leaving."

I pulled off the breaks of my wheelchair and started rolling myself out of Olivia's room, away from Harry.

I heard her say to him just before I left the room "what the hell were you thinking?! You screwed up mate."

Once I was out, I heard Harry's angry voice "I didn't do anything! I was trying to take care of her."

She replied "oh really? Go think about it jerk. If I could get up I would walk away too, so please get out of my room before I call security and drag your ass out."

I started moving again when I didn't hear any of them talk after that. I have to admit, I was eavesdropping. The conversation was too important to miss.

I needed someone who wouldn't talk to Harry or need him in any way, and Harry wouldn't know I'd be with that person for a while.

I searched for Alex, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I found Zayn who was clearly packing his bags.

Yeah, he could be the right one now.

I headed towards him slowly as he noticed me after a few seconds. He came over quickly, greeted me before he pushed my chair to his place. I asked him the obvious once we stopped "so, whatcha doing?"

Zayn replied while rolling his eyes "what does it look like? I'm packing."

I muttered, hopefully he didn't hear me "yeah I can see that."

He questioned, changing the subject "where's Harry? Isn't he supposed to tag along anywhere you go so that no insect would hurt you?"

I scrunched my eyebrows at him "does he really think an insect would hurt me?"

Zayn shook his head while he carried a box to the other side "no, everyone here knows that. Harry wouldn't let anything happen to you after that... incident in the forest. Isn't it obvious yet?"

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