Chapter Four

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    I fluttered my eyes open to a stinging sensation of the dazzling sun right above my face. I felt like I was boiling from head to toe.

My mind was still spinning as I groaned because of the pain in my head. I quickly brought my hand to sheild my sensitive hazel eyes just to feel the pain shooting arrows at my body every time I moved an inch.

I touched my hair to find it wet, and drying fast, my muscles sore and my mouth dry. My clothes sticking to my skin as if it was their only way to survive. My fingers were numb and I felt the needles punching them gradually.

My tired eyes widened when a thought came to my mind; what if I was dead and I was in Hell?! The heat of the yellow sun was unbearable that's the reason I didn't think I was in Heaven. Duh.

A cool wind brushed against my skin from my left while the same familiar pale green eyes were watching me with a curious look, the same look he gave me when we were still on the train, except now that his eyes were boring into mine tangling them. His perfect pink lips twitched from the side showing a friendly dimpled grin on his pretty face. Maybe he was an angel waiting for me to die and his mission is accomplished!!! I pushed this thought away knowing I won't feel pain if I were dead, so that made it more unbelievable that a man this perfect existed.

His small brown -now drying- wet curls were hovering over his forehead, his eyes never left mine and finally he said with a deep voice

"hey, you're awake!"

He had a heavy British accent that every girl would fall in love with. Wow, a British perfect man was kneeling before me and I couldn't stand the reality that this was actually real.

He helped me sit up as I realized I was sitting on a concrete floor before lifting my head to notice my new surrounding. I was in a huge spacious room with windows covering the walls from top to bottom, except that there were no actual windows, just the frame of them.

There was no roof obviously, and the floor had puddles of water covering it here and there. I assumed that the roof has been chopped off along with the windows by the waves of water.

There was nothing in the room except for a staircase that led downstairs and what's left from the staircase went upstairs, even though, I thought we were so high up in some skyscraper or some similar building.

After taking in my surroundings, I looked at the man who was still wearing his jacket in this hot weather. He silently watched every move I made with his mesmerizing eyes. I asked him in a choked voice

"How long have I been out?"

"About ten minutes after we both got out of water."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I questioned

"What happened?"

He replied, his grin disappearing from his face

"Summer is here."

A/N: I had goosebumps writing this chapter.. Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment and share!!

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