Chapter Twenty Seven

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I fluttered my eyes open when I felt a hand patting my shoulder and saying my name "Pam, Pamukkale, wake up." I looked up at Harry who had a small grin on his face as he said "we're staying here tonight."

I looked around, slightly disappointed that I didn't see any camp, or people for that matter. I sighed "so what do you want me to do? Sing you baby songs to sleep?"

He gave me an expressionless look before he replied "no Pam. Stop being silly for one minute please."

Oof that's a lot of time.

"I want you to help me build a fire." It was night, and it was bloody freezing. I realized that I was covered in two blankets, not just one.

I said "if you see me a dragon that blows out fire then I ain't one Harry. Find a normal dragon or use your lighter, if you have one."

I wanted to laugh. But I kept it inside me because his eyes were burning holes in my face.

I asked seriously "aren't they gonna see us?" I paused "see the fire, not the smoke obviously. But definitely the fire?"

He had a slight smirk as he replied "love, they'd have caught both of us in seconds right now. But do you see them here? The GPS inside that device of yours is super slow. Don't worry about that."

I nodded in agreement. If they were around, they would've killed us right then and there.

I asked "how can I really help, Harold?"

He looked up at me from where he crouched on the ground and said "find anything that looks dry, and pile them up over that pile over there."

He pointed at the pile in the middle of where we decided to stay and I nodded, but I questioned again "how am I gonna collect the items Haz?"

He stood up from his place, walked over to me then bent down, only to feel myself being lifted up in bridal style yet again, then I touched the cold soil of the ground. He said "just pile them anywhere, I'll pick them up later."

Yep, he found it impossible for me to move to the pile at the end of our circle. But I did a great job in picking the driest leaves and wood, then piled them up beside me.

After what seemed like an hour or so, I was just picking things from the ground and having a few meetings and greetings with disgusting insects.

Harry came over and took the pile, which I made and which -in fact- was bigger than his, and added them to the other pile in the middle of our small camp.

No tents included, because it would take much longer time to settle in that area. So we decided to sleep directly under the bloody coloured sky in our sleeping bags.

These weren't comfortable at all. I could literally feel rocks under my ribcage when I first tried sleeping in one if these when I went camping with my friends. The trip was fun though.

We ate burnt marshmallows and sang our lungs out, right here in these woods. Gosh I miss those old days!

Harry spread two sleeping bags, in each two people at least can fit and they hit the ground perfectly.

Why didn't I bring a pillow with me? It'd have been so helpful and..soft right now.

Harry helped me into mine before he went to slip inside his own sleeping bag which was only a three feet away from me, yet too close.

The fire burnt like a monster beside us. Its burning smell filled my lungs as its flames gave us warmth. It felt so cosy and nice, except for the rocks which were ruining the mood.

I asked Harry in a quiet voice "are we gonna arrive there tomorrow?"

I just admired his face, his curls turning gold from the reflection of the fire. His greek facial features and his cheekbones and jawline were visible as ever. The flames were reflecting through his emerald eyes.

He replied "I hope so, but don't get your hopes high, you never know what could happen on the way."

I smiled, because he was right. It was our fait. If our fait was to survive, well then, we're living it.

I looked again at the fire as shapes began to form from the flames. Harry questioned "what do you see in the flames?"

So he was watching me.

I answered, taking a deep breath "I see...a family. A mother, a father and a little boy. They're happy. Wait, the boy just disappeared, and they disappeared. I see the boy again there, standing alone, with no friends, no family. He is holding something, like a pistol. He just..stands there, frozen. He disappears into the dark."

I explained "my dream is to help this kid Harry. I want to save every kid suffering the same story. It's just too painful to see them lose their parents, then their minds and lives. I won't let that happen to the next generations. It would be so wrong if it did. I wanna stop it Harry. I need to."

I couldn't cry, rage filled me more than sadness. That was enough to motivate me to continue my journey with Harry.

I asked him, since he didn't say anything "what do you see, Harry?"

He started, oh thank God his tongue didn't get eaten by insects.

"I see a beautiful girl, hazel eyes, long brown hair, perfect smile, pure hearted girl. She had the strongest dream and goal. She's smart, curious and ambitious in many ways which I cannot explain. She needs us to complete her goal, but I need her in my life, because I think...well, I think you already know who she is."

Yep, he had me on that. Those words were stuck in my head. That was all I needed to hear.

He whispered "goodnight Pam."

And smiling, I drifted off to sleep.

Due to this hard year and my high school studies, this story will stay on hold starting from tomorrow until I finish my final exams and graduate.
Wish me luck!
Till then, I wish you all safety and good luck.

I love you all so much

Thank you for reading and supporting my stories <3

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