Chapter Thirty Nine

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I heard my name being called in the distance over and over again. I gasped for air as my eyes shot open connecting with the dazzling light of the sun above me. The trees above me were moving as I was pressed firmly into a hard chest.

I glanced at the person who was carrying me just to meet the familiar pale green eyes. I already knew it was Harry from the smell of his cologne, I never noticed it before until now.

Did he always put on this cologne?

My eyelids were heavy and I felt like this was all a dream because I couldn't feel anything. Maybe it was a dream.

I reached my hand to his face and touched his cheeks with my fingertips. Was he always that beautiful?

His lips moved "you're just high on drugs to ease your pain until we reach camp. Everything you see looks prettier than it is when you're not high. So no I don't think you think I was always that beautiful."

Shit! Did I say that out loud?

I saw him nodding "you did, and you said that too aloud."

The closer we got to camp, the more awake and lucid I felt. I was being dragged back to reality.

I smiled lazily at him, then my smile turned to a frown. I whispered, this time I knew I was moving my lips to talk "why didn't you tell me?"

He looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows, everything was moving in slow motion.

He asked "tell you what?"

Before I could answer, my eyelids feathered shut completely and I was suddenly so exhausted.

The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was Harry's voice "stay with me Pam, we're here." then he shouted "get her to the OR right now!"

What a weird dream.


When I woke up for the millionth time that day, it was because of the unbearable pain in my body. I was aching from head to toe. I just wanted to vomit all over to see if that would help.

I groaned in annoyance when I saw that I was yet again in the hospital tent. Someone was holding my hand, so I looked down to see Alex resting his head on the matress beside my hip, fast asleep, with his hand on mine.

I looked around, there was no one I knew, until my eyes landed on the blue eyed brunette guy who I once hated.

No, hate is a strong word, so I'll say that I once disliked him.

He looked at me just in time when I raised my healthy arm upwards to get his attention, my other arm was held by Alex and I probably can't move it.

He came striding towards me before he stopped right beside my bed, an annoyed look on his face "sleeping beauty is finally awake. I see."

He paused to look at me straight in my eyes after inspecting my now covered wound "what do you want?"

I replied, pointing my finger at him, my voice was scratchy but I didn't care "first of all, keep it down. Second of all, do you know where Harry is?"

He answered "Curly? Sorry I mean your prince charming? I don't know where he is. Couldn't you find him in your dream? You were calling his name while you were fast asleep."

He smirked as I glared at him "I thought you were friends again. Do you not like him or something?"

He shook his head with a giggle "relax, I like him, he's a good boy. We're friends alright."

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