45-The dark writer

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45-the dark writer

Y/n relished the peculiar sense of belonging that enveloped her in the demon realm. It was a feeling she couldn't quite explain, yet it embraced her like a warm embrace. Eve, in her maternal vigilance, checked on her regularly, ensuring that Y/n's growing bump received the care it deserved. Even her injured arm seemed to miraculously heal, a testament to the extraordinary nature of her surroundings.

To escape the whispers and insinuations that occasionally plagued her from the maidens, Y/n sought solace in the library. Immersed in the pages of history books, she sought refuge from the prying eyes and judgmental glances. She had overheard one maiden cruelly label her as a gold-digging human, but Y/n brushed off the hurtful remark. Her focus was solely on herself and the life growing within her.

While Y/n diligently attended to her well-being, Jake concealed his own pain from her. Night after night, he would slip out of bed, ensuring she was sound asleep before retreating to the bathroom. He didn't want her to witness his suffering or be burdened by his pain, especially during the precious time of her pregnancy.

Tonight was no different. Y/n's keen ears picked up the sound of Jake's movements as he made his way to the bathroom. Moments later, she felt his warm hands caressing her stomach, his voice carrying an apology to their child, a plea for understanding and reconciliation.

"I didn't mean to hurt your mother. I'm sorry," Jake whispered, his hands tenderly gliding over her bump. Y/n turned towards him, meeting his gaze in the darkness. "I'm sure our child loves you. They're just taking their time," she reassured him, her voice filled with affection and empathy.

"I hope so," Jake murmured softly, the weight of his fear and longing evident in his voice. He locked eyes with Y/n, stealing her breath away once more. Sensing the desire in her, she playfully whispered, "Kiss me." Jake smirked, momentarily forgetting his pain as he leaned in to fulfill her wish.

Their lips met in a passionate embrace, the intensity of their connection reverberating through their bodies. When they finally pulled away, Jake's lips trailed a path along her cheeks, neck, and eventually settling on her tattoo—his tattoo. He reveled in the design, delighting in the opportunity to paint her skin with his affection.

"My nickname for you looks even hotter on you indigo," he murmured, his voice laced with admiration. "And this tattoo makes you even more irresistible."

Jake's lips continued their journey, tenderly caressing her neck and breasts before descending upon her stomach. His actions elicited a cascade of emotions within Y/n, each kiss filling her with an overwhelming sense of love and tenderness. "I love you," he whispered against her skin.

"I love you too," she replied, her words intermingling with his breath as he pressed his lips against hers. "I love you too, my little Lucifer."

Jake frowned, momentarily caught off guard by her choice of words. "What the heck are you saying?" he asked, puzzled yet intrigued by her nickname.

"You are my Lucifer," Y/n clarified, her voice tinged with playfulness. She blushed as she felt his cheeks reduce, accentuating his dimples. "I'm yours."

"And you are mine," Jake whispered, pulling her into his embrace. They settled into each other's arms, finding solace and security in their shared love. Together, they drifted into a peaceful slumber, their bodies entwined and their hearts intertwined.

Morning arrived, and Y/n found herself once again seated at the kitchen table, eating with Jake amidst the bustling activity of the maidens. As she savored her meal, she mustered the courage to voice her desire. "I want my laptop," she announced, her words hanging in the air.

Jake's expression clouded with sadness as he considered the possibility of her leaving the demon realm. "You know, if you want to return to Earth, it's your choice, Y/n," he murmured, his voice filled with longing.

Y/n nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I know. But right now, I just need my laptop. I want to edit my draft for my next novel," she explained, masking her true intentions. Deep down, she yearned to pour her heart into words, to capture her emotions and fears, to leave a lasting legacy for her child. She couldn't shake the unsettling thought that her life might be cut short, leaving her child to face an uncertain future.

With a heavy sigh, Jake nodded. "Sure, I will fetch Niki to bring it to you. Do you need anything else?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"No, thank you," Y/n replied, offering him a grateful smile. Her heart raced with anticipation as Niki arrived with her laptop. She couldn't contain her joy at the sight of it, her fingers itching to dance across the keys once more.

With the laptop before her, Y/n began to write, pouring her emotions onto the screen. Her words flowed freely as she composed letters to her child, conveying the depth of her love and the hopes she held for their future together.

However, her focused reverie was interrupted by a knock on the door. A maid entered, carrying a tray filled with a variety of enticing fruits. "The queen requests your presence and offers you these fruits," the maid announced.

Y/n thanked the maid and eagerly took the tray. The vibrant assortment of fruits beckoned to her, promising a moment of respite from her thoughts. She took a bite, savoring the burst of flavors on her tongue, relishing the sweetness and succulence.

as she swallowed the last morsel of fruit, a strange sensation washed over her. A prickling heat surged through her veins, causing her to drop the bowl, the clatter of porcelain against the floor reverberating in the room. Fear gripped her as pain coursed through her body, intensifying with each passing second.

Y/n clutched her stomach, doubling over in agony. Her vision blurred, and her breath came in labored gasps. She tried to call out for Jake, to seek solace in his arms, but her voice failed her. Tears streamed down her face as she crumbled to the ground, her body convulsing with pain.

The maid who had delivered the fruit stood frozen, panic etched on her face. She rushed to Y/n's side, her voice trembling as she called for help.  Within moments, Jake burst into the room, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.

"Y/n!" he cried out, his voice laced with desperation and anguish as his eyes turned dark again. He dropped to his knees beside her, his hands shaking as he cradled her fragile form. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched her writhe in agony, feeling utterly helpless.

As the pain ravaged her body, Y/n's mind raced with thoughts of her unborn child. Panic and despair intertwined as she feared for their safety, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. She clung to Jake's hand, seeking solace and reassurance in his touch, even as her strength waned.

Jake's eyes brimmed with madness as he whispered."breath with me.", his voice filled with a desperate plea for her to hold on as he took her to the medical wing. But as the moments stretched on, her grip on his hand weakened, her eyes losing their luster. The color drained from her face, leaving behind her poisonous body.

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