20-To touch a broken soul

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20- to touch a broken soul. 

The vehicle had overturned multiple times, causing y/n to lose her sense of direction even before she experienced the concussion that left her drifting in and out of consciousness. She briefly sensed the taste of blood in her mouth but couldn't identify its source. Her eyelids fluttered intermittently, and in the darkness, she momentarily believed she was at home in her bed. However, the coldness and the sound of rain against metal contradicted that notion. The pain was unbearable, leaving her questioning why it was so intense. Suddenly, a flicker of blue light and the sound of sirens disrupted her thoughts. Wait, were those police sirens? No, not police. Then it all came back to her.

The car rolled over, its lights swirling like vibrant fireworks, and the noise of metal colliding with concrete was almost deafening. Each jolt of the vehicle tugged at her skin through the seatbelt, while the airbag swiftly deflated. When everything finally came to a halt, the only sound that filled the air was the rain hitting the underside of the car. Time stood still, until the distant wail of sirens broke the silence. Help was on its way.

Sitting there, she found herself screaming, her hands gripping the steering wheel of their now-wrecked car. Her screams echoed, a desperate cry, as she faced the lifeless bodies of her parents beside her.

Upon crashing into the trees, she believed she had met her end. Yet, she continued to wake and wake again. Unconsciousness seemed preferable to wakefulness. When awake, she could taste the metallic tang of blood pooling in her mouth, sensing it graze her teeth and saturate her tongue. The ache and fractures in her bones were agonizing, each crack feeling like stones burrowing into her skin. Gasping for air, she felt her lungs constricting. The spots in her vision caused her head to throb, as if it were filled with nothing but static. A buzzing noise filled her ears. Hours seemed to pass as she faded in and out of consciousness, trapped in a cycle of pain and awakening. Her torment became the sole lifeline, the only sensation she could perceive.

Then darkness enveloped her, and she awoke in a white room, surrounded by machines. That was all she could recall before receiving the devastating news of her parents' demise.

"Do you feel any discomfort in my presence?" he suddenly inquires, his voice gentle and concerned. She hesitates for a moment, her brows furrowing in confusion, before responding, "No, why would you ask such a question?"

"Just wanted to make sure," he replies, pulling the blanket away slightly from his mattress. "You can lie down. I'm going to warm up a heating pad for you."

Should I trust him and follow his instructions? I'm unsure about what to do, but he's acting incredibly sweet towards me right now.

She complies with his request, trying to relax as he retrieves a heating pad from his sizable furniture and settles down beside her. "It will be ready in about five minutes," he says, placing it next to her and draping his arm over her body.

Jake pulls the covers up to her stomach and lies down. "I can... do something for you, if you'd like," he offers.

"What do you mean?" she asks, giving him a curious look tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Like a gentle massage, if you're comfortable with it."

"Um... yeah... okay," she agrees, her voice reflecting her uncertainty. "Just let me know if it hurts, alright? I'm not feeling too great at the moment. This is not a good situation."

He slides his hand under the fabric, placing it on her lower stomach, and even this simple touch sends shivers throughout her entire body, despite him not having started the massage yet.

"Do you prefer me to massage over your clothing or directly on your skin? I can't feel anything through the fabric," he explains, his words laced with sincerity and honesty. "I promise I'm not doing this just to touch you, but from what I know, it's more effective when in contact with the skin. However, the choice is yours."

"Okay," she gives him her permission, her voice slightly wavering. He loosens her skirt slightly to gain access to her lower stomach and begins to gently glide his hand over her skin, being extremely cautious and considerate.

"The heating pad will be ready soon. You won't have to wait much longer," he almost whispers, his voice so close to her ear that it sends a pleasant shiver down her spine.

His hands work like magic, gently soothing the tense area of her abdomen. The mild sensation combined with the warmth of his body adds an extra layer of comfort. "If you need anything, just let me know. I can prepare some food or get you a drink."

"I appreciate it, but I'm fine, thank you," she turns her head to look at him, a slight smile gracing her lips. In that instant, he radiates a bright delight, and their eyes meet, locking onto each other. Their noses almost touch, creating a delicate connection. They are so close, and the tranquility of the moment is utterly pleasing.

"Is the pain still as intense as before?" he asks, his voice flowing from his throat like a soothing melody, gently caressing her ears. "No, it's getting better," she replies, her voice a sweet melody that captivates his eyes and ears. Her words wrap around him, providing a sense of comfort and peace that lulls him into a profound sleep, like that of a contented baby. It feels like attraction, but it runs deeper, as if this were the beginning of a timeless song that plays endlessly, bringing solace to his soul

It felt as if her words could wrap around him, providing a more peaceful sleep than that of a contented infant. It was undeniable that a profound attraction was blooming, and it felt as though they were embarking on the first notes of an endlessly enchanting song, one that touched the depths of their souls.

Meanwhile, she noticed his occasional stolen glances at her lips, recognizing the desire that lay beneath. A part of her longed to gather the courage to kiss him, yet her inherent shyness and fear held her back. The mere touch of his hand upon her sent her mind into disarray, rendering her unable to think clearly. It was a chaotic mess inside her, leaving her feeling even more vulnerable and emotionally overwhelmed than usual.

Sensing her inner turmoil, he suggested gently, "If it helps, you can close your eyes." His words, delivered with a touch of warmth, aimed to ease her discomfort and provide a momentary respite.

The twinkle in his eyes caught her attention, mesmerizing her. It was a sparkle that seemed to defy any logic, as if a spotlight shone upon him even in the absence of any external illumination. It was in those twinkling eyes that she found solace, a source of hope and comfort amidst the uncertainties of their shared moment.

Her eyes darted sideways as he pulled her closer, nestling her against his chest. The tickling sensation of his nose against her ear elicited a small gasp from her, causing her to squirm uncomfortably. She wasn't accustomed to such intimate handling, and it made her uneasy. 

A delicate heat crept up her cheeks when she felt his lips tenderly brush against her slender neck. Summoning a surge of bravery, she lifted her gaze to meet his piercing stare. His eyes, as black as night, twinkled mischievously. He knew! He knew exactly what effect he was having on her, and he seemed to be relishing in it.

"Let me see your face," he murmured, his voice laden with a mix of curiosity and desire.

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