33- the writer's anger

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33-the writer's anger

It was hard.

Y/N's heart was burdened with conflicting emotions. She couldn't forget the tender moments they had shared in her apartment, the times when she would write her stories while stealing secret glances at Jake, watching him with a mixture of curiosity and desire. There was an unspoken connection between them, an invisible thread that bound their souls together.

But Y/N had made the difficult decision to ask Jake to leave her alone. It pained her to do so, but she believed it was for the best. She didn't want to endanger herself by becoming entangled in the demonic world that threatened to consume him. The thought of being turned into a creature of darkness to save their love filled her with a paralyzing fear.

And yet, even as she pushed him away, tears streamed down her face, betraying the depth of her emotions. It was a contradiction that tormented her. How could she ask him to leave when her heart yearned for his presence? She couldn't bear the thought of living without him, for he had become an irreplaceable part of her existence.

In the quiet solitude of her apartment, Y/N reminisced about their stolen moments. She recalled the way Jake's eyes would linger on her as she immersed herself in her writing, drawing inspiration from his mere presence. The intimacy of those shared glances had fueled her imagination and set her soul ablaze.

And then there were the moments when Jake would undress, oblivious to her watchful eyes. She would steal discreet peeks, her cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and longing. It was a guilty pleasure she couldn't resist, a secret indulgence in the beauty of his form.

Yet, despite these stolen moments and the unspoken desire that simmered between them, Y/N had asked him to stay away. It was a painful sacrifice she made out of love, fueled by the fear of losing him and the desire to protect herself from the dark forces that threatened their future.

But deep down, Y/N knew that living without Jake was an unbearable reality. He had woven himself into the very fabric of her being, and the mere thought of a life devoid of his presence felt empty and hollow. Her tears were not tears of relief, but tears of heartache and longing, knowing that she couldn't live without him, no matter the consequences.

As she sat in the quiet solitude of her apartment, memories of their stolen glances and forbidden desires flooded her mind. The weight of her decision bore heavily on her soul, and she questioned whether she had made the right choice. Love had a way of defying logic and challenging one's convictions, and Y/N couldn't escape its grip.

In the depths of her longing, she whispered into the silent air, "I need him."

In the midst of her emotional turmoil, Y/N found solace in the presence of the velvet necklace that Jake had gifted her. Its softness beneath her fingertips provided a tangible connection to their shared moments, a reminder of the love they had woven between them.

As she clutched the necklace tightly, Y/N felt an undeniable urge to pour her emotions onto paper. Without conscious thought, her hand moved across the page, words flowing from her soul onto the blank canvas before her. It was as if her heart had found its voice, and the ink became an extension of her deepest desires.

"I asked you to leave me alone, but my heart cries out for you. I don't know how to live without you, for you have become my reason to breathe. I yearn for a love that transcends boundaries, but I fear the consequences. Yet, I cannot deny the depth of my emotions. I am caught between the desire to protect myself and the desperation to hold onto our love. I am torn, and I pray that our paths will align once more, for a love like ours cannot be denied."

Her words echoed with a mix of vulnerability and strength as she continued to write. The ink danced across the page, capturing the essence of her conflicted heart and the burning desire that refused to be extinguished.

As the words took shape, Y/N felt a sense of release, as if the weight of her emotions was being lifted from her shoulders. The act of writing allowed her to confront her fears and desires head-on, giving her the courage to face the uncertain future that lay before them.

In the quiet solitude of her writing sanctuary, Y/N discovered a newfound clarity. She understood that her request for Jake to stay away was driven by a desire to protect both herself and their love. But with each passing moment, the emptiness grew, and the ache in her heart intensified. She couldn't deny the profound connection they shared, nor the immense joy he brought into her life.

With every stroke of the pen, Y/N embraced her emotions. She yearned for a love that defied boundaries, one that would withstand the trials and tribulations that threatened to tear them apart. Yet, the fear of the unknown lingered, casting a shadow over their passionate bond.

But amidst the uncertainty, there remained a flicker of hope—a beacon that illuminated the depths of her heart. Y/N believed that their love was powerful enough to conquer any obstacle, to transcend the curses and barriers that stood in their way. She held onto this glimmer of hope, cherishing it as a lifeline in the stormy sea of their intertwined destinies.

As the last words graced the page, Y/N set aside her pen, her hand trembling with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The vulnerability of her emotions lay bare before her, captured in the ink-stained confessions that now adorned the paper. She stared at her words, feeling a sense of both catharsis and anticipation.

"I need you in my life Jake."

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