40- a night to forget

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40-a night to forget

"What were you doing at the hospital? Were you sick?" Jake's words cut through the tense silence, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and confusion.

Jake's voice quivered with a mix of disbelief and hurt as he confronted Y/N about her visit to the hospital. The question hung in the air, laden with tension and unease. Y/N's mind raced, torn between revealing the truth and shielding herself from the unknown consequences. She knew she had to be honest with Jake, but the fear of his reaction held her back.

"I... I can't," Y/N stuttered, her voice faltering under the weight of her anxiety. Her heart pounded in her chest, and the words caught in her throat. She struggled to find the courage to reveal her secret, uncertain of how Jake would react.

Jake's frown deepened, frustration evident in his features. "Why?" he pressed, his voice tinged with impatience and concern.

In a state of panic, Y/N's eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape from the suffocating pressure. Her gaze landed on her notebook, resting on the bedside table. An idea sparked within her, an alternative way to convey the truth without speaking the words aloud. She grabbed the notebook and a pen, her hands trembling as she began to scribble down her thoughts with her uninjured hand.

As Y/N finished writing, she handed the notebook to Jake, her hands shaking. She couldn't bring herself to verbalize her secret, so she let the words on the page speak for her.

Jake read the note repeatedly, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He felt a whirlwind of emotions crashing upon him. Disbelief, shock, and a deep-seated fear threatened to consume him. "Is this a joke?" he uttered, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and desperation.

Y/N's silence was all the confirmation he needed. She was pregnant with his child. The weight of the revelation bore down on him, his hands clenching the paper tightly as if trying to hold onto his crumbling reality.

Jake's hands shook violently as he fought to control the surge of emotions welling up within him. The darkness in his eyes deepened, a reflection of the turmoil raging inside. He grappled with his inner demons, resisting the urge to let his demonic nature take over. He couldn't afford to lose control, not in front of Y/N.

In an attempt to compose himself, Jake released his grip on the paper, his fingers turning pale from the force of his hold. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with frustration and self-blame. He ran a hand through his hair, his mind spinning with a myriad of thoughts and emotions.

Y/N flinched, her body recoiling from his presence. She saw him as a monster, his sudden transformation and outburst leaving her scarred and frightened. Guilt washed over Jake, a heavy weight settling upon his shoulders. He had scared the person he loved, the one he would do anything to protect.

The realization pierced his heart, fueling a rage within him that rivaled his inner darkness. Anger coursed through his veins, directed solely at himself. He wished he could tear himself apart, and make himself suffer to ease the pain he had inflicted upon Y/N.

Turning his gaze back to her, Jake attempted to approach her gently, to bridge the gap that had formed between them. But Y/N flinched once more, retreating further away, her hand instinctively protecting her growing stomach. The sight crushed Jake, amplifying his self-loathing.

At that moment, hurt turned to anger, and Jake's eyes transformed completely, consumed by darkness. His demonic side threatened to break free, the raw power emanating from him. He fought against it with every ounce of strength he had, refusing to succumb to the darkness in front of Y/N.

With a mixture of regret and despair, Jake abruptly left the room, unable to bear the weight of his own mistakes. The sound of the door closing behind him echoed in the silent room, leaving Y/N alone on the bed, overwhelmed by a sense of isolation and heartbreak.

Jake stormed through the hallways, his footsteps heavy with self-loathing and anguish. He despised himself for the pain he had caused, for the fear he had instilled in Y/N's eyes. The thought of her being scared of him tore at his soul.

But amidst the rage and despair, a resolve began to form within Jake. He swore to himself that he would do whatever it took to make things right. He would prove to Y/N that he was capable of love, compassion, and protecting the family they had unexpectedly created.

Y/N's breathing became labored as panic washed over her, intensifying with each passing second. Jake's sudden departure had left her feeling vulnerable and alone, and the weight of her circumstances seemed to crush her chest. Desperation filled her eyes as she scanned the room, searching for solace, for a comforting presence to help anchor her in the storm of her emotions.

Her gaze landed on her phone, lying on the coffee table. With trembling hands, she reached for it and scrolled through her contacts, her mind racing to find someone who could offer her the support she desperately needed. Among the names, Sunghoon's stood out, a flicker of hope amidst her turmoil.

Hesitation lingered in the air for a fleeting moment before Y/N's trembling fingers dialed Sunghoon's number. The phone rang, each echoing tone amplifying her sense of vulnerability. Finally, Sunghoon's concerned voice filled her ear, an anchor in the midst of her swirling emotions.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Sunghoon's voice trembled with worry and care, his concern palpable even through the phone.

Y/N struggled to steady her breathing, her panic making it difficult to form coherent sentences. "S-Sunghoon...," she stammered, her voice quivering with a mix of fear and sorrow.

"Y/N, what happened? Why is your voice like this? Are you crying?" Sunghoon's voice carried a sense of urgency, his concern deepening. "Where is Jake?"

"He l-left," Y/N managed to utter, her words punctuated by her shaky breaths. The admission hung heavy in the air, the weight of Jake's departure crashing down on her like a relentless storm.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sunghoon's reassuring voice filled the void, offering a lifeline in the darkness. "I'll be there right away. Just hang on," he promised, his words infused with a quiet strength.

As Y/N awaited Sunghoon's arrival, her legs gave way beneath her, and she sank to the floor. Her back pressed against the wall, she curled into herself, seeking solace in the confined space. Fear coursed through her veins, her heart pounding in her chest, threatening to suffocate her with its intensity. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a flicker of hope remained, fueled by the anticipation of Sunghoon's imminent arrival.

She didn't think that the truth about her child would hurt this much.

A/N: leave a comment it motivates m to write (●'◡'●)

btw do you want a tragic end or a good one?

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