12- breaking boundaries

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12- braking boundaries

As she sat on her couch with the laptop in front of her, the soft morning light illuminated the pages, casting a gentle warmth on her face. The words seemed to come alive, the characters leaping off the page and into her imagination.

Her vivid descriptions of the world around her were a perfect match for the beautiful morning unfolding before her. She could almost see the characters walking through the same fields, breathing in the same scents, and feeling the same warmth on their skin.

One thing in her mind-She has to finish her work as fast as she could to send it to Sunghoon.

Y/n flinched as Jake puts a cup of coffee near her hand before the strong smell of caffeine hit her nose.

"Thanks, and Jake " she thanked him, offering him a warm smile before she get back to her work.

Jake replayed the same action, happy that she begins to accept him because even if they'd made a hot session, he knows that it was just the sexual want and desire, which took over her. Even if she said that she has feelings for him, he knows that she is not sure about it.

" y/n I wanted to ask you, from where did you learn to write those things " his words pulled her from their thoughts, and not wanting to bring up the subject again.

Not wanting to embarrass herself again.

"From the books, I was reading books, before I started to write " she find the courage to respond.

"You have a wild imagination, for a girl who didn't experience any of that," he said chuckling, making her embarrassed as ever.
The fact that he knows her life how it was, makes her uncomfortable.

"Can you stop please, I don't want to talk about it " she snapped at him, as a little pink circle appeared on her cheeks.

But somehow she found the courage to ask him " and what about you Jake, you said that you're a shadow, how the hell can you kiss huh? "

"Correction Bella 'how I can kiss that perfectly ' " he replied, a smirk playing between his lips, making the girl in front of him, tense at his words.

"Well actually, I had many male human carriers, and for your information, you are my first female one," he said as he watched her shocked reaction.

"I'm your first female carrier ? " he mutters under her breath. "H-how ?"

She couldn't believe his words how he could perfectly kiss, making her feel so good under his touches.

Jake chuckled pulling her away from her thoughts.

"Well, as I said I had just males, and of course, their life's not circulated on writing like you, there is love, sex, nightstands, cheating, clubbing ... things that you never lived before " y/n looked down may be regretting the fact that she asked him.

"But I am here, now I will change that fact y/n- I think you should try those things. " he offered her a smile warming her cold heart.

"Anyway back to your question .." trying to make the situation less awkward but he won't " Actually I've learned doing it, from watching them making sex with other females, it was so damn hot, but I never felt something within me when they have sex or touch the sensitive spots of each other, doing themselves off and you know I was a shadow, I was just invisible to them, I can't feel anything in those moments, but after I showed myself form to you that day, to help you from that perverted guy-and just for information, I've never shown it to someone before. In this status I can feel, you know you humans are lucky, you have all the things to enjoy yourselves "

Jake finished his long speech with a soft chuckle leaving his mouth. Y/n can sense the truth in his voice.

He was on the opposite side of her.

When he loves to enjoy human life, she's backing off from I, when he can show love to others, she's refusing to take I. She was hoping to be just like him, but in reality was the opposite.

The silence took over the place as y/n was drowned in her thought.

"Can we go out? " Jake pulled her from her thoughts.

"Why? We'vespentd yesterday,  do you still need something? " Jake shakes his head before he speaks.

"I've mentioned that your kitchen needs some things to buy, why not go to groceries shopping? " the dark-haired boy takes it as a reason while the man's reason is getting her out from her stress of work, she needs to take it more easily and try to leave her bored life.

Y/n nodded hi, not objecting to any words before she spoke.

"But I will finish my writing before we head out, by the way, you will be going like that or ... ? "

" I will accompany you this time ! " he speaks sending her a smile hoping that she will respond with one as well before he found her already back tapping on her laptop.

Was she avoiding him after what happened? Maybe he shouldn't make this step now. He likes her but what about her?

Even if she said that she felt for him, he thinks that every girl will say that, regarding his looks and feature.


Leaving his thought, he decided to drop them down, and read something from her book, maybe it will make him less lost in his min, and drive it to another world, leaving reality behind.

At least there's something, the two can share, the books make a bond between them both.

"We are going to the convenience store
straight now. No talking, no sightseeing,
no flirting" she mumbles and stomps down the concrete pathway.

"Alright ma'am" he smiled down at her, running his fingers through his hair.

"And an important point, we are not a couple not are we ever going to be so do not act like one "

"Are you sure you don't want us to act like one? "

"Of course, why would I?"  She scowls in frustration.

"We will see then."

It wasn't only because of jake that she was getting frustrated though, the sun was right above her head now and she was feeling as if would melt any second.

She always hated summer and the sun that comes with it.

"You hate the sun? " he asked the angry girl who ignores him completely. He just read her mind again.

"You are the weirdest creature I have ever met," Jake mentioned

Fastening her pace due to the immense heat, jog down the sidewalk along with Jake and soon reach the crossing across y/n spoke.

"We should cross the road Jake,"  she states and steadily places her foot on the road before a hand grabbed her waist and pulled her to him."Walk with me" he instructs, his words underlined with orders.

Was she a five year old girl?


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