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He was sitting beside her sleepy form, still remembering the way she was looking at him before, She gazed into his soul; her eyes of liquid amber scrutinizing things inside of which he could only dream of seeing in himself.

Her skin was illuminated. She was a fallen angel.

She was like a china ornament, and it seemed that even the gentlest caress would break her delicate form. Her breath toppled out of her soft lips like a ball of tumbleweed softly blowing through the sky.

Caressing her head, brushing his long fingers through her hair, tight dark curls, all moving freely over her cheeks. Her aura seeped into the air between them. And in that moment, in that fraction of time, he had never felt this way before.

Maybe because she's just his first female carrier?

Her dimples punctuated the chub rendering her cuter than she'd otherwise be.

Passing his fingers on her cheeks, feeling them, it was the cutest thing Jake had ever seen. Her cheeks were like the rice crackers in the brown paper bag, pale and convex, smooth and spongy as a ripe nectarine.
Her dimples punctuated the chub rendering her cuter than she'd otherwise be.

His heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in his brain and together they panic with jump-leads.

He begins poking her cheeks, he couldn't stop himself from doing so, and at the same time, he was curious about her reactions. Well, he will not lose the chance to do so.

She groaned in protest as she felt someone poking her cheek. She slapped the hands like a baby away still groaning. He didn't expect it, she was like a baby, a dangerous baby, and he loved it.

whoever he was carried on poking her. A whinge escapes her mouth as her cover is yanked from her , leaving her cold.

Her eyes open like two flashlight beams, the new temporal inserts providing enough light to illuminate whatever she looks at. It's like being shown the woods one tree at a time in some crazy memory game, but it's better than blackness.

Her eyes met his, he was smiling at her, "You are awake " he muttered.

"Yeah, and what were you doing just now ?? "

"Well, I'm just enjoying myself," he said. He wasn't adapted yet to be a shadow of a female human . It was his first.

"Huh???" She frowned at him.

"Did you sleep well ?" He asked, ignoring what she said utterly, while she nodded at him.

"Can you leave my room now ?" She said as she began moving to stand up, heading towards the bathroom, until a voice startled her.

"Why do you wear diapers?"

She whipped around. She hadn't realized Jake followed her into her bathroom. It still flustered her slightly every time she saw him.

Self-consciousness entered her for a split second that a complete stranger, a hot man she literally just met two days ago was now in her apartment.

That feeling quickly dissipated when she saw what Jake was holding. It was the box of feminine pads she kept in her bathroom, shown to the bare eyes.

Somehow he was holding it and reading the side of the box with slight confusion. "Up to four-hour leakproof mini size-"

"you don't get to touch that!" She shrieked. With a speed she didn't even realize she possessed, she all but leaped across the small bathroom and snatched the box out of his hands. "Look here, In the time you're staying in my house, we're laying down ground rules, do you understand me?"

Jake eyed the woman in front of him strangely, she was acting like a mad woman because he had touched her pads but he couldn't deny that she looked kind of cute with her painted red cheeks from the anger eating her.

"Rule number one, don't touch what is not yours, understand ?? Rule number two, you will have to ask for my permission if you want something " she started listing them off.

Jake yawned. "Whatever." Without another word, he crossed over to her bed and crawled into it.

"Wait, but that's mine..." her voice trailed off as the towel-covered man rolled over in her covers and stilled.

"But, we already shared it yesterday y/n," he said, smirking appearing on his face.


"Don't curse at me baby , just go take your shower, if you don't want me to quit this human form, and join you there !!" He said knowing exactly what will happen next.

She looked back down at the feet, a gentle flush of pink had arisen in her cheeks that made her look vulnerable. As she immediately closed the door of the bathroom and disappeared from his sight.

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