46-His animalistic revenge

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46-his animalistic revenge

"She was poisoned." The doctor of the family spoke, his voice heavy with concern, as Jake furrowed his brow in confusion. It had been two agonizing hours since he had stood helplessly by, watching Y/n spit blood from her mouth while unconscious. "The poison is too strong for her human body. She may not wake up any time soon."

"What do you mean?" Jake's voice trembled with fear and guilt, knowing that Y/n's life and their unborn child's life hung in the balance. The doctor's words pierced his heart, reminding him of the immense responsibility he carried as the heir of Lucifer.

She was dying, and it was because of him. This thought consumed Jake's mind, drowning him in a sea of remorse and despair.

In an instant, Jake vanished with his supernatural speed, finding himself in the palace kitchen where he had last seen the maid who had served Y/n her dessert. His eyes landed on her trembling figure, fear emanating from every pore. Jake approached her, his anger bubbling to the surface, ready to unleash his wrath. He tightly gripped her neck, ready to hear her final breath. He was prepared to kill.

"Jake, I didn't know," the maid choked out, struggling to breathe under his grip. Eve's voice filled the kitchen as she attempted to intervene, but her efforts were in vain. Jake's rage was uncontrollable.

"Your Majesty, Jane told me to give Miss Y/n her dessert under your orders," the maid managed to explain, her voice strained. Hearing the name "Jane" escape her lips, Jake's eyes snapped to the side. He could almost hear the rapid beating of each heart in the room, with Jane's being the loudest. She was the villain, the one responsible for Y/n's suffering.

The maid who had been at Jake's mercy lay forgotten on the floor as he turned his attention to Jane, who took steps back in fear. "Why the fuck did you hurt her?"

"I didn't know she was pregnant with your child," Jane stammered, her voice trembling with fear. "And?"

"Because I was jealous," Jane admitted, knowing that her fate was sealed. She had no chance of escape.

"Getting fucked by me doesn't mean that I love you," Jake seethed, his words cutting through her heart. He had made it clear to her countless times. "I'm sorry."

"Say hello to Lucifer for me," Jake spat venomously at her before gripping her throat and causing her breath to hitch. In an animalistic manner, he drove the knife into her heart, relishing in the sound of her pain. But even after her death, his anger remained unabated.

"Son, I think you need to be with her right now," Eve's gentle voice intervened, her gaze fixed on Jake, who seemed ready to spill more blood. Jake didn't utter a word as they watched him walk out of the kitchen, his shirt and face stained with blood. 

He appeared feral, a predator ready to hunt its next prey.

He was ready to shed more blood.

Returning to the medical wing, Jake found Y/n lying in her bed, lost in the depths of unconsciousness. Darkness embraced her, and she did not respond to any of the medicines they had administered. "I'm afraid she won't make it," the doctor dared to say, causing Jake to growl with a feral intensity. The doctor found himself on the receiving end of Jake's wrath as he tightened his grip around the doctor's neck. "If anything happens to her or my child, you will be the next one to face my wrath," Jake threatened.

"I think you are holding the wrong person, Jake. He is our only doctor," Lucifer's calm voice resonated in the room. Jake released his grip, allowing the doctor to breathe once more. "There may be one way to save her, but it is risky. She would have to drink your blood."

"But she's unconscious. How can she drink it?" Jake's voice quivered with uncertainty.

"I can infuse my blood into her veins. It's a risky procedure, but it may be our only chance to save them both." The doctor's words hung heavy in the air, leaving a sense of desperation and hope intertwined.

Jake's eyes widened at the doctor's suggestion. Infusing his blood into Y/n's veins? It was a perilous decision, but he knew he had no other choice. If there was even a slim chance of saving her and their child, he would take it.

"Do it," Jake commanded, his voice laced with determination and a hint of desperation. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Y/n and the precious life growing inside her. "Save her, no matter the cost."

The doctor nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of the situation. He quickly prepared the necessary equipment, his hands steady despite the gravity of the task at hand. Eve stood by Jake's side, offering him silent support as they watched the doctor work.With great precision, the doctor carefully extracted a vial of Jake's blood, his movements deliberate and focused. He then connected the vial to a specialized transfusion apparatus, designed specifically for this unconventional procedure. 

Taking a deep breath, he approached Y/n's unconscious form, her pale complexion and shallow breaths serving as a stark reminder of her fragile state.As the doctor inserted the needle into Y/n's vein, a mixture of fear and hope swirled within Jake's heart. He watched anxiously, his hands clenched into fists, as Y/n's body gradually received the life-giving fluid. It was a race against time, a battle against the poison coursing through her system. "she will not respond right away. it could take time."

Jake's heart sank as minutes turned into eternity, and there was no visible change in Y/n's condition. Doubt began to creep into his mind, and fear tightened its grip around his heart. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Y/n and their unborn child after coming so close to saving them.

Eve placed a comforting hand on Jake's shoulder, her voice filled with unwavering support. "We have to stay positive, Jake. The doctor said it could take time. We need to have faith."

Jake nodded, his gaze never leaving Y/n's still form. He mustered all his strength and summoned his inner demons to keep his hope alive. He refused to accept defeat, to let darkness consume him.

Hours passed, and the room remained shrouded in an uneasy silence. The doctor, too, wore a worried expression as he monitored Y/n's vital signs. Jake's patience was wearing thin, his frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

"I can't just sit here and wait," Jake muttered, his voice laced with a mix of determination and restlessness. "There must be something I can do."

Eve placed a gentle hand on Jake's arm, her eyes filled with compassion. "You've done everything you can, Jake. You gave her your blood, and now we have to trust in the healing powers of your demon essence."

But Jake couldn't find solace in those words. He felt powerless, trapped in a cruel twist of fate. The weight of guilt settled heavily on his shoulders. It was his actions, his choices, that had led them to this point. He couldn't forgive himself for the pain he had caused Y/n and their child.


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