29-Eve in Hell

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29-Eve in Hell

Hell was another level of darkness;

In the depths of the foreboding palace, a sinister voice echoed, permeating the air where trembling maidens averted their gazes, desperately yearning to escape the suffocating darkness that clung to every word. "That wretched boy shall never heed my counsel," the voice hissed venomously. "Sometimes, I regret ever giving him the title of the Prince of Shadows."

The enigmatic figure, draped in shadows, continued to unleash its voice upon the captive audience. Niki, head bowed in submission, could only listen, while Heeseung, with a twisted smile on his face, gazed up at the imposing king. "He is your creation, Lucifer, an embodiment of your malevolence," he taunted, reveling in the power imbalance and knowing he held the king's fate in his merciless grasp.

"Another Lucifer?" Heeseung's words dripped with sarcasm, mocking the king, who seethed with inner turmoil. The very mention of such a comparison cut deep, leaving Lucifer vulnerable and at Heeseung's mercy.

"Have you witnessed me sleelinb with a woman I just knew?" Lucifer's voice grew cold, each syllable laced with disdain.

"He is your son," Niki interjected softly, attempting to appease the brewing storm.

"He is a despicable—" Lucifer's words were abruptly halted as the heavy, creaking doors swung open, revealing a figure of haunting beauty, her alabaster skin contrasting against the shadows. She was a woman who could bring even Lucifer, the lord of darkness, to his knees. Yet, his pride and ego forbade him from ever admitting such a weakness.

"I have heard whispers of your interference with your offspring once more," she declared, her voice carrying a weight of accusation.

"I am not," Lucifer retorted, his tone stern and unyielding. "If you try to do something stupid, I will hate you forever."

"You cannot hate me," Lucifer muttered, his voice dripping with darkness, a futile attempt to conceal the anguish that gnawed at his very core. Eve's gaze shifted to Niki, who stood as a silent witness to the tumultuous clash between the king and queen. He almost forgot how they had fallen into this forbidden union, how Lucifer had convinced her to reside within his accursed underworld.

Eve, the human woman who had captured Lucifer's heart, remained oblivious to his deep affection. The darkness within him forbade him from ever confessing such tender emotions. She was his entire world, the one who walked amongst mortals with grace and beauty. Niki believed that Jake, their child, was the sole reason why Eve continued to endure the torturous existence of Hell. 

He still recalled how the king had manipulated their love, how he had deceived her, pretending to be human, until she found herself carrying his child. At that moment, the world shattered beneath Lucifer's feet, as he knew their progeny would never be mere mortal; he was destined to become another Lucifer.

"Tell me, Niki, what is heppeninging?" Eve's pleading gaze fixated on her faithful confidant. But before he could utter a single word, Heeseung interjected with a malevolent grin. "Your son is falling in love with a human, and he has been fucking her."

The words hung in the air like a toxic fog, suffocating the room with their weight. Niki could sense the queen's heartbreak, her anguished breaths barely escaping her trembling lips. He had become the reluctant witness to a tragic tale woven by the threads of forbidden love.

Eve's eyes widened in disbelief, a veil of agony descending upon her delicate features. She had never fathomed the depths of Lucifer's deceit, nor the extent of his cruel machinations. Her heart shattered into a million shards, each fragment a reminder of the shattered trust she had bestowed upon the devil she had once called beloved.

Lucifer, though adept at concealing his emotions, felt a pang of remorse pierce through the impenetrable fortress of his soul. He had forged an empire built on darkness and ruled with an iron fist, yet his flesh and blood had found solace in the arms of a mortal. A forbidden flame had been kindled, threatening to consume both his progeny and the fragile peace he had reluctantly carved out for himself.

"Is it true, Lucifer?" Eve's voice broke through the heavy silence, her eyes searching Lucifer's face for any semblance of remorse or regret. 

Lucifer's expression remained inscrutable, his gaze hardened like obsidian. The weight of his son's gaze bore into him, demanding answers that even he was not ready to confront. How could he explain the tumultuous desires that writhed within his dark heart? The constant struggle between love and power, between vulnerability and the relentless pursuit of dominion.

"He is my son," Lucifer finally admitted, his voice laced with a mix of resignation and bitterness. "But his desires, his choices... are fucking crazy, he could have any women he wanted in hell"

"But you should be happy he has finally found his love, you know your son and how his character is- I was always afraid of him not able to love."

Eve, her voice trembling with a potent mixture of happiness and heartache, stepped forward, her eyes ablaze with an indomitable fire. "You can not deny what the heart wants Lucifer."

The words struck Lucifer with the force of a thousand thunderclaps, reverberating through the chambers of his mind. He had built his dominion upon pain and suffering, reveling in the darkness that consumed him, but had he unknowingly condemned his blood to an eternity of despair?

As the echoes of Eve's accusation faded, a pregnant silence enveloped the room. The flickering candlelight cast haunting shadows upon the tapestries adorning the walls, a silent witness to the fractured relationships and shattered dreams that lay within the palace's hallowed halls.

"I should talk to him, we need to talk." Lucifer voiced out looking back at heeseung as the latest nodded his head in confirmation.

back to earth, the white-gold light of the new day, the hues of the bedroom move from impressionist pastels to brilliant pop art. Sweta o flush a desire still covering her from last night's event, but Jake was nowhere to be found.

Getting back to her feet, she wore the shirt she was once wearing and headed to her living room- he wasn't there, he left her. he did it.

Though her eyes are open she can't think of why; her heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into her carotid. She strains into the utter darkness, her breathing rate beginning to steady.

As realization hits her thoughts, her brain begins to bring back the ancient events.

He left.

He left.

She didn't have to stand up and check if he was there or not, or if he was just walking around in the morning rays. She was sure.

Jake left her on the naked sheets, without any word to say; She could feel the sad feeling eating her up because of hurt and disappointment somehow. He never stayed after.

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