23-his Highness

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23-his highness.

As she gripped the door tightly, her heart racing, she strained to make sense of the hushed voices emanating from within. The unfamiliar sounds stirred a mix of curiosity and unease within her. Her palms grew damp, "Jak-" As the words began to escape her lips, they were abruptly silenced by the intrusion of another voice, cutting through the air like a sharp blade.

"You knew what to choose" The raspy timbre of the unfamiliar voice sent a shiver down Y/n's spine, stirring a mix of fascination and trepidation within her. It carried a hint of something mysterious, an essence that captivated her senses and held her attention captive.

"What? " Startled, Y/n averted her gaze to Jake, seeking some form of explanation or reassurance. His eyes, usually filled with warmth and familiarity, now appeared lost and distant, leaving her with a sinking feeling of disconcertion. The silence enveloped the room, punctuated only by the faint sound of their breaths hanging in the air, heavy with unspoken questions.

"Who's talking Jake ?" she asked again.

"Jake!" Y/n's voice broke through the stifling silence, tinged with urgency and frustration. Her plea jolted him back to the present, causing him to pass his trembling fingers across his face, releasing a weary sigh. It was as if he were caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions, struggling to find the right words to explain the enigma that lay before them.

"Heeseung show yourself, she already knows." Jake finally spoke, his tone laced with a mix of resignation and acceptance. The room held its breath in anticipation, waiting for the revelation that would shed light on the secrets veiled within their midst.

"What do I know-" her voice was cut off by the sudden apparition of a blond-haired boy, his looks showing his young age.

Y/n's face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant her skin became greyed, her mouth hung with lips slightly parted and her eyes were as wide as they could stretch.

She couldn't believe her eyes. A figure materialized before them. A young man with blond hair, his youth radiating from every pore. The shock on Y/n's face was palpable, as her features contorted with a sudden onslaught of emotions. Her once vibrant complexion turned ashen, her mouth agape with lips slightly parted, and her eyes stretched wide, mirroring her disbelief.

"What do you mean with she already knows?" his raspy voice speaks.

"Don't you see, I'm not some ephemeral wisp of smoke floating in the air," Jake interjected, frustration tainting his words, challenging the older boy's perception of reality.

A hint of exasperation crossed the older boy's face as he retorted, "Yeah, I can see that, idiot." Tension crackled in the air, their conflicting emotions and hidden truths colliding, threatening to unleash an unstoppable storm.

"You're the idiot here!" Jake's voice surged forward, laced with pent-up frustration and an unyielding determination to be heard.

"Shut the fuck up, do you realize where you put me here? I was sent to stalk your highness but decided to let you free and do what the fuck you want to do, and now what? " the older boy snapped back, his words reverberating through the space, resonating with the weight of their shared secrets and unspoken tensions, leaving them on the precipice of an uncertain revelation.

"Shut the fuck up "

Y/n's frustration reached its peak as she snapped, her voice laden with anger and impatience. The intensity of her gaze revealed the turbulent storm brewing inside her, threatening to consume her with each passing moment.

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