32-Cursed blood

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32-cursed blood

"Fuck!" Jake seethed with anger, his once human black eyes now transformed into something darker and more demonic. The room around him bore the brunt of his rage as he destroyed every little thing in his chamber, from his desk to everything in sight. "I fucking love her."

Everything lay in ruins, shattered fragments of his frustration strewn across the room. He yearned to be with her, to exist in her chamber rather than his own. The walls felt suffocating, closing in on him, mocking his desire.

As if on cue, the doors swung open, revealing his parents, Lucifer and Eve, standing at the entrance. Concern etched across their faces, their worry tangible. Lucifer's eyes appeared even darker than usual, brimming with a mix of anger and disappointment towards his son and his forbidden feelings for the human.

Lucifer stepped forward, his voice laced with a controlled fury. "Jake, what in the underworld is going on here? Look at the state of this chamber! This is unacceptable."

Jake's demonic gaze met his father's, unspoken defiance lingering in his features. "I don't care, Father," he retorted, his voice dripping with a rebellious tone. "I love her, and I can't deny it any longer. Being away from her is unbearable."

Eve, standing slightly behind Lucifer, struggled to mask her worry. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on Lucifer's arm. "Lucifer, maybe you should try to understand his feelings. Love can be a powerful force, even if it defies our expectations."

Lucifer's jaw tightened, the internal struggle evident on his face. He glanced at Jake, his disappointment mixed with a tinge of fatherly concern. "This is dangerous, Jake. You know the consequences of involving yourself with a human. It puts both of you at risk. it puts her at risk."

Jake's anger began to wane, replaced by a hint of desperation. "I can't help how I feel, Father. It's consuming me. I know the risks, but I'm willing to face them for her. She means everything to me."

Eve's voice softened as she spoke, her maternal instincts overpowering any reservations. "Lucifer, let's not push him away."

Lucifer sighed, his anger slowly giving way to a flicker of understanding. He knew he couldn't change his son's heart, no matter how much he wished otherwise. With a heavy heart, he nodded. "Fine, Jake. But tread carefully. Your decisions will have consequences, and I can only hope you're prepared for what lies ahead."

Jake's demonic facade softened, replaced by a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Father. I know the risks, but I won't let fear dictate my choices. I will protect her, no matter the cost."

As the tension in the room eased, a fragile truce formed between father and son. In the depths of their shared understanding, they knew that love could be both a blessing and a curse. Now, Jake would embark on a path where the boundaries of heaven and hell blurred, driven by a love that defied all expectations.

Jake's room lay in ruins, the remnants of his fury scattered across the chamber like broken promises. The destruction mirrored the chaos swirling within his heart. The forbidden love he harbored for the human girl consumed him, tearing at the very fabric of his existence.

Eve noticed something foreign with his tattoos when she tried to touch him- he jerked away from her wincing. Eve recoiled, hurt evident in her eyes as Jake pulled away from her touch. The air crackled with tension, their familial bond strained by the unfolding circumstances. "What the fuck is wrong with your ink?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with both concern and frustration.

"Fucking hell," Jake seethed.

Frustration and worry intertwined in Eve's voice as she raised her voice at her son. "Does it hurt? I don't understand what's happening to you, but your tattoos are growing since you fell in love with her."

Jake's gaze flickered, haunted by the curse that had befallen him. "It's her, Mother," he confessed, his voice strained with anguish. "I think my blood is cursed, and it's connected to her. The pain subsides when she's near."

Lucifer's brow furrowed deeply, he features a portrait of conflicted emotions. "Explain yourself," he demanded, his voice laced with a mix of concern and authority.

Jake took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Since the day I fell in love with her, my blood has been tainted. The tattoos on my body are a manifestation of the curse that binds us. They grow and change, twisting and turning with every beat of my cursed heart."

Eve's eyes widened in horror, her hand flying to her mouth as she processed the gravity of the situation. "This curse... it's consuming you, my son."

Lucifer's anger gave way to a solemn understanding. He approached Jake, his voice tinged with both paternal love and steely resolve. "We must uncover the origin of this curse, its purpose, and how it can be broken. we will be needing a witch."

Jake nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his affliction. "I will do whatever it takes to break this curse, Father. I cannot bear to see her suffer because of my tainted blood."

the only witch they knew could aid them—Sarah, a renowned sorceress with a reputation for unraveling the most complex of spells before they could inflict their curses upon individuals.

Lucifer, his concern for his son etched across his face, couldn't help but voice his worry. "Did Y/N, by any chance, taste your blood?" he asked Jake, his voice tinged with a mixture of caution and fatherly concern.

Jake's eyes widened at the question, understanding the implications. "No, Father," he replied firmly. "I would never endanger her by turning her into a creature like me. It's not a path I am willing to walk."

Relieved by his son's response, Lucifer nodded. "Good. We must exercise caution and ensure her safety throughout this ordeal."

With a determined resolve, Lucifer reached out to Sarah, his trusted ally in matters of the arcane. He communicated the urgency of their situation and the dire need for her expertise. Sarah, renowned for her mastery of ancient incantations and mystical remedies, possessed the knowledge required to unbind the curse that plagued Jake's blood.

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