51- Love From The Dead

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51-love from the dead

Y/n was weary and achy, every movement requiring careful consideration as even the simplest tasks, like reaching for his socks, felt like a monumental challenge. The weight of pregnancy pressed on her, dictating her every move and keeping her in constant proximity to a bathroom.

During a visit to her midwife, they discussed her current state, and y/n couldn't help but express frustration, likening herself to a "a plump tomato." The midwife reassured y/n that these discomforts were normal at this stage and shared a lighthearted suggestion to try spicy food and intimacy to possibly induce labor. Online pregnancy forums confirmed that many expectant mothers resorted to similar tactics. Desperate to alleviate the discomfort, y/n decided that anything was worth a try.

The next morning, y/n woke Jake, who didn't complain and willingly participated in fulfilling y/n's personal objectives. They carried on with their day, engaging in another intimate encounter, followed by y/n preparing a spicy mushroom-packed chili. The heat made her eyes water, but she pushed through, determined to do anything to coax their baby into the world. Jake understood the routine and fulfilled his role before falling asleep shortly after.

Days passed with the same pattern until it reached Monday. y/n stood in the kitchen, eagerly crossing off dates on the calendar, eagerly anticipating her due date. As Jake approached from behind, ready to embrace her, y/n pushed him away and focused on making her cereal.

Confused, Jake asked, "Hey, hey, Indigo... what did I do?" He stood beside y/n, attempting to comfort her by placing a hand on the small of her back, but she pushed him away again.

"You know exactly what you did to me," y/n snapped, tossing the cereal box back onto the countertop. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be this uncomfortable right now." Jake's laughter only fueled y/n's frustration. "I fail to see what's so funny."

"You can't see it?" Jake chuckled, straightening the cereal box. y/n glared at him, her expression filled with murderous intent. At a loss for a comeback, she settled for glaring at him over breakfast while muttering about Jake's vulgarity.

After a light lunch of spicy lentil curry, y/n sought solace in the bathroom, soaking in slightly warmer water than usual. Within moments, the baby inside her stirred and kicked.

"I know... you want out as much as I want you out. Just one more week, and I'll hold you in my arms," y/n said, gently stroking her bump where the kicks were. "Not much longer, okay? I love you."

Relaxing in the bath, y/n continued to stroke her belly, imagining that their baby already sensed their love and longed to be nurtured and cuddled.

As y/n's eyelids grew heavy, she reluctantly pulled herself out of the bath, one foot still in the water while her hands rested on her bump. She felt a tight sensation and sudden pressure, unusual but not yet painful.

The next contraction occurred after dinner, as they curled up together on the sofa, engrossed in a murder mystery series they had recently started streaming. Each time y/n's bump hardened, she groaned, curling tighter against Jake's side.

"Are you okay, babe?" Jake asked, rubbing soothing circles on y/n's back.

"Yeah... just another one."

"Another contraction?" Jake inquired. He pressed a tender kiss to y/n's head. "I'll take care of both of you. Just let me know what you need."

"Ice cream. I want that salted caramel ice cream you love," y/n requested, finding relief as the tightening sensation subsided.

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