30-Gone thoughts

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30-gone thoughts

Jake had never felt miserable as he was today.

Jake's heart twisted in anguish as he grappled with the conflicting emotions tearing him apart. Never before had he felt so miserable, his soul heavy with regret. The image of y/n left alone in the house haunted his thoughts, her solitude a constant reminder of the choices he had made. He despised himself for spending the entire night with her, only to slip away once she succumbed to slumber. But he had no choice, or so he believed.

Resolute in his decision, Jake headed home: to the depths of hell. 

Disregarding the formalities and obligations expected of him within the palace, he forged a direct path toward his father. The moment Lucifer's piercing gaze locked with Jake's, the atmosphere in the king's room shifted, the tension growing as darkness consumed the space.

Beside Lucifer, Eve sat quietly, her eyes tracing the intense exchange between her husband and their son. Her heart ached, torn between the love she held for both of them. "I have missed you, my son," she whispered softly, her voice barely audible above the brewing storm.

"We need to talk about." Lucifer's voice trailed off as Jake interrupted, a fiery determination blazing in his eyes. "About y/n?"

A brief pause hung in the air, thick with unspoken truths and unbridled emotions. Lucifer, always the master of manipulation, sought to regain control of the conversation. "Yes, the human," he finally replied.

Jake's voice trembled with a mix of defiance and vulnerability. "What about her?"

"You are falling in love with her," Lucifer stated bluntly, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and disapproval.

"No, Father," Jake corrected him, his voice filled with raw honesty. "I love her."

A ripple of tension coursed through the room, the weight of their words threatening to fracture the fragile peace that had barely held them together. Eve, her heart torn between her son and her husband, watched on silently, her eyes reflecting the complexity of their entangled destinies.

"You cannot have her," Lucifer retorted, his voice laced with authority.

In a moment of defiance, fueled by his love for y/n, Jake lashed out at his father, his words cutting through the darkness like a jagged blade. "Then you cannot have my mother either," he snapped, his voice dripping with bitterness. "After all, she is human too."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed, a veil of sadness descending upon his face. "You know well that your mother is no longer human," he uttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of regret and longing. "your could not bear you if I did not bestow upon her my demonic blood. Are you certain that y/n is prepared to embrace the life of a half-demon?"

Silence enveloped the room as Jake wrestled with his inner turmoil. His father's words struck a chord within him, stirring doubts he had buried deep within his soul. Was he being fair to y/n? will she truly understand the sacrifices she would have to make? He had no answers, lost in the labyrinth of his own conflicting emotions.


Jake's absence had stretched throughout the day, and an overwhelming sense of longing engulfed her as she waited for his return. The emptiness gnawed at her, leaving her feeling adrift and painfully alone. How had she become so reliant on him? Why did she already miss him so intensely?

As the sun inched closer to the horizon, she found herself trapped in the monotony of reruns on her small television screen. Despite only being apart for a few hours, her yearning for Jake's presence grew stronger. Admitting this yearning felt like a vulnerability, but she couldn't deny the truth.

Just as she contemplated her attachment, a knock on the door shattered her thoughts. Opening it, she was met with Jake, holding a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. Surprise widened her eyes as she looked at him, uncertain of what to say.

Approaching her, Jake stepped closer and offered her the bouquet. "For you," he said, nodding towards the flowers, his voice filled with tenderness. Her hands trembled slightly as she accepted them, her heart fluttering in her chest. "I thought you had left me."

"I will never leave you," he reassured, instructing her to turn around. His voice was commanding yet gentle. She complied, curiosity and anticipation intertwining within her. Jake's hands brushed against her hips, guiding her movements, and before she knew it, she found herself pressed against him once again.

In that moment, it seemed as though his desires took precedence over everything else, his eyes filled with lust but devoid of any emotional connection. Their physical intimacy had become a routine for him, a means to avoid expressing his true emotions.

Could they forget? Could they both forget? Yet, this had been their reality for three long years, and nothing had changed. After reaching the height of pleasure, he gradually slowed his movements, and she sensed the tremor in his touch as he distanced himself. A low groan escaped his lips, and their bodies relaxed, spent and drained of energy. He leaned against her, his weight supported by her, his exhausted breath caressing her neck.

As he removed his condom, still panting heavily, she turned towards him, seeking solace and answers. The day had been filled with his commands, and he had been free to do as he pleased. He hadn't been obligated to be by her side all day long.

"Would you have preferred it if I had taken you to the bedroom?" Jake whispered against her neck, his voice betraying his insatiable sexual appetite.

She couldn't help but respond with humor, a smile tugging at her lips. "Can we ?" she quipped, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. Jake chuckled softly, his lips grazing her neck, eliciting a small moan from her.

"Let's go," Jake said eagerly, taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. Laughter bubbled between them as she followed him.

Entering the room, he closed the door behind them, his desire evident as he pressed her against the wall. "Come on, Angel, show me how angry you are," he whispered, guiding her hands towards his jeans, silently urging her to take control.

Their lips collided, their teeth grazing against each other's before she unbuttoned his jeans, a rush of anticipation coursing through her. Their bodies moved in harmony, finding solace in each other's touch.

As they intertwined in each other's arms, they found solace and comfort within their embrace. Jake's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a mix of concern and regret. "I didn't mean to be gone the whole day. And I didn't mean to upset you."

Her heart softened, and she turned within

his arms, seeking reassurance. "Thank you for the flowers," she expressed, touched by the gesture. No one had ever given her flowers before, and she found it incredibly romantic.

"It's cliche, I know, but they say you can't go wrong with flowers when you're trying to apologize," Jake shrugged, as if it were no big deal, though she suspected he had found that advice on Google.

Jake seldom uttered the words "I'm sorry," but his actions spoke volumes. She appreciated it, understanding that actions held more weight than mere words.

She kissed Jake, pouring all the love she could muster into the gesture. "Thank you, I love them," she said, taking the flowers and placing them in a small vase in the kitchen.

As she heard the door shut, she felt his arms envelop her once more. He nestled against her from behind, seeking comfort and warmth.

"I didn't mean to be gone the whole day," Jake spoke again softly. "And I didn't mean to upset you."

She shook her head, exhaling softly. "I'm not angry," she reassured him honestly before she was wrapped in his desired arms. 

do not forget to write your ideas <33

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