14-intense emotions

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14-intense emotions

the two awkward persons sat at the table taking their breakfast in silence. Her silence was somehow comforting and spoke for itself, it was peaceful in a way where he could feel himself at home and know that no matter what was happening, he was forever there for her.

But the peaceful silence was disturbed by someone ringing on the apartment's door.

"I will go check it " stated y/n as Jake nodded his head. She wiped her eyes and opened the door, her eyes wandered around her front yard, but there was no one. So she walked forward to search for the person but her foot bumped into something.

She looked at it and saw a small house where a small puppy inside it. She looked at it, confused, as it looked at her terrified as it backed to the corner of the pet house. Then she looked around avoiding the pet house so she won't scare it more than she already did and searched for someone that must've left it, but there was no one but the calm hallway.

Why is there a puppy in front of her door? yet there was no sign of a person here but
Herself? It creeped her out. It was so weird.

"Who is it ?" Jake asked as he pulled her from her deep thoughts.

She goes back to the door and kneeled at the puppy then she noticed an envelope next to the pet house, "What's this?" She asked herself and get the envelope. She opened it and it was written;

This was a gift from one of your readers y/n, I just passed it to you, Take care of it

                                                                                                                                                    Sunghoon ♡

"It's from Sunghoon," she exclaimed excitedly, happiness taking over her.

"Who's Sunghoon ?? " Jake asked out of curiosity, "he is basically my co-worker, he is the one who's responsible for publishing my books! "

"Ooh, I didn't know ! " he can not deny the fact that he's jealous that she knows someone from outside but at the same time he should be happy for her. Jake watched her as she started to pull out a tinny creature with white fur over his skin, it looked like a fragile thing easy to break.

Y/n was a vision of pure joy, her eyes sparkling with delight as she cradled the fluffy bundle of white fur in her arms. Her smile was as bright as the sun, illuminating the room with its radiance. With each gentle stroke of her hand, the little pup nestled deeper into her embrace, basking in the warmth of her love.

She smiled at how cute it was. She looked at it with a smile with her head tilted, "It's okay, little guy. I won't hurt you," she said to somehow calm it down but it was no use, it was still breathing fast while looking at her, scared.

She nodded and took the handle of the small house making the puppy flinch, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you from now on," 

She placed it over her lap and started patting it brushing her skinny fingers through its hair. Which somehow makes the little dog calm down. As she looked down at the tiny creature, she felt a sense of wonder and awe wash over her. The puppy's fur was as soft as freshly fallen snow, and its eyes were like two shimmering pearls that glowed with a gentle innocence. She knew that from that moment on, she and this precious little one would share a bond that would last a lifetime.

"I should name it " she smiled looking back at Jake "what do you think ? " asked y/n.

" what about Loki or youk-" he tried to suggest but his words were cut by an excited y/n clapping her hands. "I found it, what about Frost? "

"Frost? " he asked. 

" yes, his fur looks like a thin layer of ice crystals, frost."

" yeah, it's cute "Jake answered her, sometimes he forget that she was a writer and obviously she would make everything meangful.

" nice, you have a name my baby " y/n clapped her hands, then started playing with his paws. The puppy was exceptionally pleased with himself. He jumped around springing towards them in bounding steps that were almost like jumps. As it turned a corner its back legs swung outwards and it almost lost its balance. Then it leaped up, pawing with its fore paws for attention and its wet tongue licking furiously at the outstretched fingers.

y/n was giggling like a little girl, a thing she did a lot when she felt happy. Jake swears even the birds shut up to hear her beautiful laughter emerging and filling the air with gorgeous sounds coming from deep in her chest, composing what's still today his favorite song.

" my baby's so cute ! " y/n sang a smile eternally stained upon her lips.

"baby ?" muttered Jake under his breath, the creature that made him feel strange things. "he ie so cute."

So it's a he? A male? 

"Jake I will go to buy some supplies for the puppy..w would you take care of him until I get back, " y/n asked the thinking boy pulling him from his thoughts. The girl's heart overflowed with gratitude for the gift that had been bestowed upon her. She felt as though the whole world was smiling down upon her, showering her with blessings and good fortune. And at that moment, she knew that she would never forget the love and joy that this little puppy had brought into her life.

"yeah of course I will, take your time " Jake speaks as she thanks him back with a smiley face, she was happy for the first time he met her, generously happy. Something swirled inside his chest that this Sunghoon guy made her happy within a second while he didn't. he felt angry at himself somehow.

At the same time, it was the chance for Jake to use her laptop, he had to get a real job, and he can not stand living under someone else care and money. Especially when it's his girl.

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