16- velvet necklace

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16-velvet necklace.

After a couple of weeks of wearing clothes, Jake finally had enough money to buy some outfits. He'd also wanted to do something nice for y/n. They hadn't been separated much over the past few weeks, but they never took a step further, either. Which was fine with Jake for the first time. Y/n did kiss him on the cheek once, but that was because she was trying to wake him up for work. Needless to say, he shot right up out of his bed and tackled his housemate to the ground in surprise.

He still remembered how she was fully embarrassed by her acting. He stood there frozen as he watched in awe at her expression. She saw nothing short of disgust on his face, almost hatred, as his face reddened with anger.

She had broken the rule which she put herself...

But didn't they break it already?

Even, why did we even have rules, to begin with? When is it meant to be broken anyway?

Her legs refused to move, too shocked, too embarrassed at his reaction. This is the man who said he loved her and cared for her, yet she was flustered in front of him. Even if they did make out that day. Blushing would have been no problem, but what she did was go as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like a hot pan. She could have cooked a three-course meal on her face. No one could have missed it. She wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole. She wished to 'do a Daphne' and drop through a scooby-doo style trap door on the floor. But there was no rescue from this embarrassment.

It was absolute.


Utter humiliation.

The memory would be seared into her brain forever, ready to pop up and torment her again when she's ever in a quiet moment. Jake had no idea what he felt for this girl, but he knew he'd never felt it before. It's like you've only known darkness all your life, then someone lights up the whole world. Half of you hate the light because it hurts your eyes and they take time to adjust, but the other half loves every second of that light because you can see everything.

Thinking about this cheesy analogy, Jake sat in a subway, tapping his fingers on his knees.

When it came to be his stop, Jake filed off with everyone else. He went through some stores and ended up buying about three outfits. Along with the few things he liked after seeing the boys his age wear.

After he stopped to get some coffee, he started to walk back to the station to catch the subway, Jake passed a jewelry store. Sipping on his iced coffee, he took a few steps backward, looking up at the sign. Deciding he wanted to go in, he looked around the store for a bit. While everything was very expensive, it was also all very beautifully made, too.  As Jake neared the back of the store, he noticed something different from the flashy, big jewels that were presented to him. Its blinding shine as the sun's light shot through it made his heart clench in advance. The purplish color of the vintage stone called at him as a mermaid to its sailor. And all he thinks is how it would look on her neck, and does he know how he will give it to her? No. How will he explain that he had just brought it for her because he wanted it?

Deciding he wanted this item, he politely called over an attendant. he unlocked the glass casing and gently picked up the necklace, putting it in a small velvet box. He followed her back up to the register where he paid the rest of his paycheck. The man gave Jake the box and thanked him for shopping there. Without a word, Jake immediately and obliviously spun on his heels, sipping at his coffee.

Jake put the box in his jacket, reminding himself to give it to Y/n later. Or whenever the time was right. He caught the subway and made his way back home. On the way home, Jake thought about how uneventful this whole day had been before he remembered that night he met y/n in the alley.

"You are safe now " his voice coached in her ear as she got back to her senses.

"Th-Thank you," she said muttering looking down at her feet, as the silence took place between them.

"Shouldn't I take a reward then ?" He asked smirking and bending down to her ear.
His voice in her ear gave her shivers, but most importantly, it sounded familiar.

"Right ??" He asked again with a confident grin, brushing his lips on the side of her neck which took y/b by surprise as she flinched because of the contact between them.

She didn't even have time to react because he was already leaving.

She felt a slight disappointment. She just stood there, watching him until she couldn't see him anymore, and she decided to walk back home.

Jake let out a chuckle, after remembering her reaction, but all he wanted now was to see her face and have some time with her after his long tired day.

After getting home, the sound of yelping made its way to his ear, looking over he looked at the puppy trying to play with him before he remembered how the same puppy made y/n smile but he never did. "You know I don't like you near y/n," he voiced his jealousy by making the small pup bounce around in circles, yipping happily under Jake's hands at the mention of y/n. "you love her too, right?" Jake couldn't help himself but asked the pup not to sense someone's eyes on him. The puppy yelped back- wanting Jake to brush his soft fur more. "I knew it."

"But who wouldn't? She is an angel." Jake voiced out with a smile painting on his lips. "but still I don't want her to love you more than me- I know this must be ridiculous coming from a man like me but still, I don't want her to love you more than me." Jake didn't know how what came over him, he was suddenly discussing his love life with a puppy. Wait for love? The realization hits him hard, he is falling in love with her. He already has.


Some angst is coming- a lot.

✓ KISS TO KILL | JAKEOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara