53. Whack

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It was good to be home at the capital and healthy. Taelon decided he hated being sick and was never going to do that again. The kitchen made him up what they called super foods... health in a cup. It was green. Liquid should not be green Taelon decided. But he drank it down putting the cup down with a smack before heading outside. 

"Whats going on out here?" Taelon pondered looking into the courtyard. Aemna had a bow and arrow she was trying to load it. 

"Hi daddy!" Aemna declared losing the arrow, it went flying stabbing into a crate of wheat. "Oops!" 

"Aim for the target next time sweetheart you are sure to make it." Taelon remarked as Luke ran into his legs laughing. "Should we go see how your cousins training doing?" Taelon questioned picking Luke up.

"Yeah!" Luke agreed pointing a finger to the courtyard. Aegon, the big man at 10 was helping his little brother Aemond and Rhaena. Rhaena had a sword in her hand, a training sword but at seven years old Taelon's girls didnt want to be left out of the fun and anything with Aemond was fun. Rhaena also liked that her and Aemond didnt have dragons, they could bond over that together. They would get dragons though, that was a no brainer, they had to. 

"Looking good!" Taelon declared.

"Look-" Rhaena spun around and whacked Tommen with her wooden sword. She spun back around and stared up at him.

"Oh no dont say im sorry uncle tommen for breaking your leg." Tommen mused rubbing at his sore thigh.

"You were in my way uncle tommen." Rhaena corrected honestly.

"Best stay out of Rhaena's way." Aemond remarked. Rhaena smiled back at him. 

"Show me Rhaena . With less damage to your uncle." Taelon suggested.

"Sorry uncle tommen." Rhaena said smiling sheepishly up at him.

"You are very lucky you are so damn cute." Tommen agreed.

"Okay!" Rhaena glanced back at Tommen and waved a hand shooing them back. Everyone took a generous step back from Rhaena as she lifted her sparing sword.

Taelon smiled back at her as Luke waved his arm around like a sword. Rhaena stabbed her sword in the sky before flinging it upwards it slid out of her grasp and went flying.

"Heads up!" Taelon declared as he came plummeting down stabbing into the gravel at Cristons feet.

"That was great!" Tommen declared clapping as Rhaena covered her face with her hands.

"Im sorry daddy." Rhaena whispered as Taelon put Luke down he ran grabbing the sparing sword and dragging it back behind him, Luke smiled back at Jace who was being a great boy, checking on Tommen.

"You will get better with practice." Taelon assured her. "That was quite well for aim. You could have taken out two grown men just by luck. Imagine if you were trying to kill Criston!" Taelon declared hugging her tight as Luke held out the sword.

"Its heavy," Luke declared.

"Come on try again. Never give up because you are a Targaryen! Because you are my daughter!" Taelon declared and Rhaena kissed his cheek.

"Alright. Watch out!" Rhaena  declared. "I dont know what Im doing but Im good at it!"

"Damn right you are!" Taelon agreed. "DUCK!" He shouted seeing an arrow go flying. It buzzed right by Harwin's head. 

"Trying to kill us all today, are you Taelon?" Harwin questioned. 

"What can I say? I trained my girls well." Taelon agreed. He spun around looking at Aemna she giggled out. "Good aim honey." 


"stop moving!" Taelon declared.

"You know what I look like, you know every inch of me." Laena countered.

"Which is why I need you to sit still." Taelon agreed. "I don't draw clothing, thats just silly."

"Right, what was I thinking." Laena agreed as she tipped her head side to side framing her face with her hands.

"Laena, my gorgeous wife..." Taelon said glancing up from his sketches.

"I'm helping." Laena corrected tugging at the strings of her dress. "I'm helping..." she repeated as the door swung open.

"Alright I give up-" Tommen remarked before taking a step back and covering his eyes. "I saw nothing, there is nothing, I'm not- ouch fuck-" Tommen muttered as he backed into the door frame. "-just continue onward..."

"What do you give up on?" Laena countered fixing her strings. She was used to Tommen bursting in. 

"Well-" Tommen remarked hand still over his eyes. "-Rhaena's she's great honest but she is violent."

"You can put your hand down." Laena assured and Tommen peaked through his fingers before putting down his hand.

"She has spirit and energy... but guys... my legs cant handle it." Tommen declared. "She whacks away like I'm a fucking pinata!"

"Put her on Criston." Taelon suggested.

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now