10. Greek Gods

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"Your Grace... I had this forged in the Golden Gallery in honor of Prince Aegon." Jason said coming up to Viserys

'It's quite a thing.' Viserys said as Jason handed off the spear.

'I hope it might provide the killing stroke against your white hart. The King of the Kings wood. It's as if the Seven themselves have blessed this day.'

'Thank you... for your generosity.' Viserys told him stiffly but Jason was not done.

'I would be honored to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, Your Grace. What I offer you, The crown and your daughter, is strength.' Jason told him.

'Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?'

'If someone offered you more dragons, would you not take them?'

'Do you have dragons to offer?' Viserys countered

'Casterly Rock is a splendid seat. Rhaenyra may take her place there by my side without shame, -" Jason began.

"Fuck off Lannister." Taelon declared patting his back and making him stumble forward. "Do I need to repeat myself?" Taelon took the spear from Viserys spinning it in his hand. 

'Of course not, my prince.'

"Thank you... for the gift.' Viserys said stiffly.

"It is not balanced." Taelon countered tossing it up beside him and catching it again the sharp point just grazing Jasons shirt.

'Your Grace.' Jason said nervously stepping back

'Wine.' Viserys demanded.

"Ah you need ale," Taelon corrected.

"I don't have the stomach for ale." Viserys corrected and Taelon chuckled. Could his mother have had an affair? Taelon didnt see the resemblance at all. Was Taelon a bastard?

"What Taelon?"

"Nothing, just random thoughts about greek Gods mother might have run into before you wed." Taelon mused as he walked off.

"That was very specific." Viserys countered staring at him as he left.

'The huntsman has the trail, Your Grace, and has sent out the hounds. It won't be long now until the white hart is cornered. Your prize is within reach.' Otto said coming to sit down at Viserys side. 'What do you make of Lord Jason's proposal?'

'That man's pride has pride.'

'You're not only Rhaenyra's father, you're the King. She'll do as you command.' Otto reminded him

'It is not my wish to command her, Otto.' Viserys told him 'I want her to be happy. I want them both to be happy.' Ottos gaze shifted to Alicent she surely wasnt happy at 17 and pregnant again with a man she didnt love. Happiness was not a fathers priority.

'There is another choice beyond Casterly Rock. One, perhaps, you might be more comfortable with. One... closer to home.' Otto suggested slowly.

'Who do you have in mind?'

'Prince Aegon.' Viserys looked to his son just turned two Aegon was crying and then babbling and crying some more.

'The boy just turned two, Otto.' Viserys reminded him

'Yes, but it would cease the endless proposals for Rhaenyra's hand.' Otto told him hoping that his grandson would be king one day. Taelon was the heir but he was irresponsible. The longer they procrastinated taelons union the better. The realms could see aegon was a good heir. 'Betroth them.'

'I came here to hunt... not to be suffocated by all this fսcking politicking.' Viserys spat

'Let us speak no more of it.' Otto agreed leaving his side.

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