39. Slowly Dying Inside

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Gaena's pregnancy scare was just that, a scare. Meanwhile Laenor was at the capital doting over his nieces just in time for Rhaenyra bringing life into the world. Taelon was meeting his half brother Aemond, he was a handful of moons older than his girls and now that they were both one years old they had more of a personality then just eating and shitting. They were crawling and Aemna was trying to walk already, she saw Aemond pulling himself up and taking steps and thought damn, I want to do that. So she had a lot of bumps but she was resilient. Tommen, was freaking the fuck out. 

Tommen had a great date with Davina, great dates, each date ended with mind blowing, orgasmic sex so this wasnt supposed to happen because his life was going great. 

"It was just supposed to be once." 

"Tommen what did you do?" Harwin questioned. 

"I helped them." 

"Helped who? Why are you so antsy?" Harwin countered. 

"I'm going to hell and Taelon is going to send me there." Tommen whispered. 

"What are you on about?" Harwin countered still thoroughly confused. 

"The baby has thick black hair," Alicent remarked as she passed a scoff on her lips. "She is the heir, she shouldnt be whoring her way-"

"TOmmen," Harwin hissed. 

"Keep your voice down." Tommen countered. "They begged, the both of them." Tommen murmured. 

"You say no." 

"She threw herself at me." Tommen countered. 

"Tommen!" Harwin countered. "A black haired baby-"

"We havent seen it, could have creamy chocolate skin and just skipped the silver hair." Tommen offered. 

"I dont think the queen would be calling Rhaenyra a whore if the baby looked like Laenor." Harwin countered. 

"A little boy, did you boys hear the princess delivered a boy." Lyonel remarked to his sons he stared evaluating them thoroughly looking for one of them to confess.

"We just heard." Harwin agreed. Lyonel looked between them waiting for more. Tommen's eyes were bulging out of his head. 

"Anything you want to add to that?" Lyonel countered. "Maybe the fact that the babe has black hair...''

"That's funny..." Tommen offered slowly dying inside. "So funny, how could that even happen?" his voice croaked out and LYonel knew. 

"Funny is it?" LYonel countered. "TOmmen-"

"I have to go kill myself before Taelon kills me." Tommen whimpered heading down the hall. 

"I'm the good son." Harwin corrected raising his hands in surrender. "I didnt touch her." 

"I can't believe him." Lyonel muttered. "The princess?"

"I'm just as shocked." Harwin agreed. 

"Rhaenyra... he's..." Taelon stared back at her. "He's cute... he will be friends with Mena and Rhae," he added and Rhaenyra let out a sigh. 

"I hope so." Nyra agreed. 

"Laenor saw him?" Taelon questioned. 

"Yes, he is happy, loves little Jace." Nyra agreed. 

"And his parents?" Taelon countered measuring his words. 

"Not yet." Nyra replied. 

"I'm not judging." Taelon reminded her. 

"Of course not." Nyra agreed but she knew he was. 

"Who is the father?" 

"Laenor." Nyra answered quickly. 

"Nyra, you can trust me. Is this person going to be a problem? Use this against you and the baby, against Laenor? Tell me and I will help you." Taelon begged holding onto her hand. "Did someone hurt you-"

"No!" Nyra declared. "Taelon, it wasnt like that... he didn't... he was sweet to me. He wouldnt hurt me." Nyra assured. "He... he's sweet to me it was consensual." 

"Thats good... I suppose." Taelon agreed. "Nyra-"

"I know I fucked up but Laenor and I couldnt-"

"You are young you and Laenor  have time-" Taelon countered. 

"I know that but Laenor and my preference in men are the same." 

"I-" Taelon's mouth closed along with his eyes as he thought about that. "I know Laenor's type..." Taelon agreed. "He is still a good man and you... I understand why you did it but it can't happen again, you need to take precautions." 

"It was the three of us, like you did with Tommen" Nyra countered. "He was trying to help us get pregnant he... we just got ... we went a little too far clearly but he was just trying to help us, Laenor and I couldnt get it going by ourselves. We tried but the love wasnt there Taelon not like how..." 

"What?" Taelon questioned softly. 

"Not like how I love you." Taelon sighed hugging her gently. "I know you love Laena and she loves you and you have two beautiful little girls Taelon so just dont judge me for doing this because not all men are like you." Nyra begged. 

"I already told you I'm not judging you." Taelon countered. "You just have to be careful next time." 

"Thank you Taelon." 

"You know, you have to tell me who this is because Laenor touching you didnt make me feel as possessive and protective over my baby sister like I do. So you have to tell me who it is." Taelon demanded. 

"I dont want you to hurt him." Nyra countered. 

"I wont hurt him... dead men dont feel pain." Taelon informed her. 

"You dont know him." 

"I could find him." Taelon assured. 

"I... love you Taelon for caring. Jacaerys Velaryon is Laenors son." 

"Right... yep... okay." Taelon agreed kissing her forehead. "I love you Nyra."

"You are not going to drop this are you?" 

"Would it make you feel better if I said yes?"

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