48. Main Attraction

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Starlight was the main attraction. Aemna and Rhaena chased the little dragon around teaching it commands and laughing out when she puffed a bit of smoke at them. Taelon warned them that the puff although cute now would turn into fire and that was dangerous.

Aemond stared more and more at his egg and Rhaena grumbled every night before bed seeing hers unbroken.

They were the grumblest of grumblers.

"Mama whens mine going to hatch?" Rhaena questioned what felt like every second of every moment of every waking hour in Laenas mind.

"I dont know my love." Laena reminded her. "But you will have a dragon."

Elsewhere Aemond was having a similar talk with his mother. Aegon overheard and smirked. The little shit.

"I have a plan." Aegon declared after their dragon lessons. Aemna looked back at him confused.

"A plan?" Jace questioned he looked up to aegon but Aegon thought the velaryon bastards more his playthings than his family.

"We are going get Aemond a dragon."

"Oh Aegon thats so nice of you. Can we get Rhaena one too?" Aemna questioned and Aegon sniggered a laugh.

"Sure." He agreed smugly.

"I dont know why people dont like you Aegon." aemna offered innocently. "This is really nice what you want to do for your brother."

"Mena," Aegon tsked. "Im a prince-"

"And im a princess whats your point?" Aemna countered.

"People are just jealous of us. All of us because we have what they want. You should learn now not to care what people think of you." Aegon remarked. "Which is why i dont care that you are not going to like my plan."

"I thought you were getting aemond a dragon?"

"Not a real dragon you idiot." Aegon sneered. "Cant tame a real dragon...."

"What are you going to do then?" Aemna questioned.

"Get him a new egg... of course."

Aemna didnt like the look in Aegons eyes yet getting aemond a new egg would be nice. Aemna couldnt tell what was going on but jace jumped at the opportunity.

"Lets go get Aemond an egg." Aegon declared. Aemna watched them go before finding her father training with Tommen in the courtyard.

"Daddy!" Aemma declared and he pinned tommen to the ground and he groaned out.

"I was distracted!" Tommen shouted when he saw Gavin laughing.

"Uncle taelon wasnt." Gavin corrected. Taelon moved to Aemna picking her up.

"Help me up you little jerk." Tommen instructed. Gavin chuckled trying to pull tommen up.

"Whats going on baby girl?" Taelon questioned.

"Aegon is up to something. I thought he was being nice but hes not being nice. I dont think so and Jace is with him and hes going along with it and daddy you need to stop them!" Aemna blabbered.

"What?" Taelon rasped confused. "What did aegon do?"

"Aegon stop it!" Aemonds cries echoed and Aemna shook her head.

"Im too late. I knew something was wrong!" Aemna declared.

"Lets go help aemond." Taelon suggested.

"Aegon!" Aemond sobbed out.

"What? I got you a new egg or 20!" Aegon shouted as he threw another egg at aemond it hit him in the chest the yolk dripped down his shirt.

"Aegon." Taelons voice boomed and he dropped the egg it cracked at his feet. "What is the meaning of this?" Taelon demanded. Aemond ran to Taelon holding onto him getting his clothes eggy as well. Aemna fave her best disapproving look to Aegon.

"I was just... we were just having a bit of fun." Aegon stuttered.

"If someone ends up crying it is not fun." Taelon corrected.

"Aemond what happened?" Alicent shouted running to him.

"Mama." Aemond whimpered moving to her.

"Jace." Tommen scolded. "Whats gotten into you? Aemond is your friend."

"Aegon said it would be fun." Jace whispered. "Im sorry da- ser Tommen." Jace corrected. Tommen hugged him.

"I know your mother raised you better than this." Tommen remarked.

"Yes ser." Jace agreed.

"Good apologize to aemond." Aemna demanded.

"What happened out here?" Laena questioned.

"Aegon is getting a time out." Taelon remarked scruffing him by the collar.

"Im not a child!" Aegon shouted. "And you are not my father!"

"Your father isnt going to discipline you. I am." Taelon corrected. "Laena-"

"I will check on Aemond and Alicent." Laena agreed.

"Taelon, Aegon whats going on?" Viserys questioned.

"Tell him." Taelon insturcted. Aegon stared back defiantly. "Tell him." Taelon growled.

"It was funny-" taelon smacked him over the head. "Sorry!"

"Im not the one that needs an apology." Taelon corrected.

"I will apologize to aemond." Aegon grumbled as he sulked to his room.

"Taelon?" Viserys questioned.

"Father. You know I love you but you have grown and I say this with love -blind."

"Blind? Taelon I lost an arm not an eye."

"Father your children need you. I need you my children your grandchildren- we all need you father. Aegon needs a stern hand right now. He needs you to show him what a good man looks like."

"He has you for that." Viserys countered.

"But you are his father. And every boy needs a father."

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now