43. Hold Her

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Taelon hated miscarriages. Laena hated them more but Taelon never felt more helpless than when Laena was having a miscarriage. He couldnt do anything but hold her. Hold her as she cried. 

"I dont want her getting hurt." Taelon whispered to Rhaenys and the maester as Laena rested. 

"Sometimes the egg doesnt take to the seed. It's natural." The maester on driftmark assured. 

"But... it was a lot of blood." Taelon countered. "Is she going to be-" He paused his speech to scoop up Tatum as he tumbled into Taelon. He held him upside and he giggled out uncontrollably. "-she is going to be... alright, right?"

"Yes, your own mother had quite a few-"

"And look where that got her." Taelon agreed. "I love Laena, I dont want to lose her." 

"We are doing everything we can." Rhaenys assured him. "I know she is grateful for you, but the female body is complex." 

"I know, I just wish there was something else I could do to help her." Taelon whispered. 

"I wish it too." Rhaenys agreed. "But the best thing you can do right now, is hold her." Taelon nodded putting Tatum down as Tommen came running up. 

"I'm sorry, I keep losing him, he's fast now that he knows how to walk, he went from crawling to sprinting- and fuck it there he goes!" Tommen shouted taking off after Tatum. "Mister your mother is going to upset if I lose you again!" Tommen shouted. 

"It's nice that you have your friend here." Rhaenys remarked. 

"He likes it, Davina likes it... thank you." Taelon added. "For giving them rooms here." 

"Of course, like we would say no?" RHaenys countered. 

"True." Taelon agreed. 

"I know that Laena enjoys davina's company as well, a friend for her, she never had many friends and I am glad that you and her started out as friends." Rhaenys remarked. 

"You two have a wonderful marriage, how did you do it?" Davina questioned coming up behind them. 

"I don't know what makes a good marriage." Taelon remarked. "Love." Rhaenys chuckled grabbing Taelon's hand. 

"Friendship." Rhaenys declared, she smiled back at him. "The other stuff is a bonus, but if you have a solid friendship, nothing can tear you apart. You end up fighting more for the friendship than you do with your partner. That's why they say you should marry your best friend."

"Ah, then taelon would have married Tommen by now." Davina teased. 

"I'm not his type." Taelon corrected. "But Laena has become my best friend, I miss her when shes not around, I think about her all the time..."

"Thats why i can't do the marriage thing." Davina agreed. "I'm not... how do you say it?"

"Emotionally stable?" Taelon half teased. Davina snapped her fingers. 

"Thats it." She agreed. "My sister is also my best friend and she abandoned me for a handsome northern man, what a cunt." 

"Clint is a good guy." Taelon assured. 

"MAAAA!" Tatum laughed out running to Davina. 

"You lose daddy again?" Davina questioned picking him up. 

"Tommen and cardio are not friends." Taelon agreed. 

Rhaenys loved that Taelon had so many friends, that he was kind to others that his title didnt give him the entitlement that it seemed to with Rhaenyra.  Taelon excused himself and Laena smiled back at him when he closed the door. Rhaena and Aemna were chatting and babbling on the bed beside her and silently Taelon laid down beside her, her frame small compared to him and she curled back into him. She kept a hand running down Mena's back as they girls had what Taelon and Laena thought was surely an in depth conversation in their little minds. 

Laena relaxed back into him as he held her. No words needed to be spoken, she knew, he knew, this was just a bump in the road, rough winds in the air and they would have smooth sailing soon enough. 


By the time the twins were 3 Nyra was pushing out her second baby. Laena had hoped to have another baby, or at least be pregnant but it wasnt sticking. She had gotten pregnant so easily, so quickly and now it was like her body was just done and she was furious. She wanted a son, she wanted a little boy, she knew that Taelon didnt care if he had a son he loved his daughters. He scooped up Aemna as Rhaena chased after them shouting 'dragon, dragon, we ride the dragon!' all the way to the shores were Ragnarok and Vhagar were chilling on the beaches. 

They all went to the capital for Rhaenyra's birth and of course they raced. They each took a child to be their cheer leader strapped to their chests. 

Laena didnt want to celebrate new life after her miscarriage but she wanted to be happy for her brother. Laenor came up beside them while Rhaenyra began her labors. The fire crackled before them, Laena sat in Taelon's lap, he kept a hand around her hip holding her to him and the other draped over her thighs. Davina and Tommen could have been the only people in the world the way they were making out. Davina's knees straddled Tommen's hips and his hands on her ass. 

"Get a room!" Laenor declared. Davina gave him her middle finger, her lips never once leaving Tommen's.  Laena chuckled softly as she looked to Taelon, his eyes were closed but his thumb was rubbing little circles on her thigh, she pressed a kiss to his cheek and he held her closer. 

Taelon hated births, he hated them. His mother had died, Laena had a miscarriage, that was terrifying and awful. The last thing he wanted was his baby sister to die. 

When Rhaenyra pushed out a black haired boy Davina was ready to bash Tommen's head in. He swore up and down that it wasnt him, he hadnt touched her. 

Taelon believed him... mostly. Then he saw Harwin and Rhaenyra together, saw the way he looked at her, the way he touched her cheek, the way he held little Lucarys and Taelon knew. What the hell was with Rhaenyra and Strongs? Laenor smiled down at the babe, Laena forced a smile for her brothers sake and Viserys remained blissfully ignorant but Taelon couldnt handle this. First Tommen get a good beating in the woods, maybe Taelon needed to make a demonstration out of it. This is what happens when you fuck my baby sister.

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