37. Fathers

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"Father wanted to have an heirs heir tourney." Taelon remarked as he paced. 

"And you said?" Corlys countered. 

"No. I said no." Taelon assured. "The last one my mother died... I dont want that bad karma with Laena." Corlys nodded. 

"I can tell she loves you, its the kind of love Rhaenys and I held, the kind your father and mother used to have."  Corlys offered. 

"I love her, I'm worried though, I'm... I dont like pregnancy." Taelon admitted. "I mean the birthing, the pregnancy itself doesnt really scare me but bringing a baby into the world, I'm about to be a dad." Taelon realized letting out a sigh. 

"Your father is on his way." Corlys reminded him. "Thank you again for letting Laena be here for this." 

"Of course, wherever she feels the most comfortable." Taelon agreed. "The less stress the better for these things I assume... what is it like being a father?" 

"It's stressful for many years, they will drive you crazy and you will spend all your time and energy on them until they grow up and are married and then you have to worry about your grandchildren, about your children making good decisions if you are a good parent, others just toss them aside once they are wed." Corlys offered. "It will be the worst few years of your life." he added and Taelon paled. "Laena was so little I was always worried she wasnt breathing at night, I would put two fingers on her little chest and check for a heart beat most nights, she slept right beside the bed and she was still so little for so long..." 

"I love her, I will love our children... years?" Taelon countered. 

"They will depend on you for everything." Corlys agreed. "WIthout you and Laena they die." 

"Gods." Taelon murmured. He didnt realize how complicated babies were. He didnt really notice Nyra until she started crawling after him and he never had to take care of her then. Not change her or anything, he was just a kid himself. 

"Sleepless nights, and not in the good way." Corlys offered. "But you are the prince, you will have servants and handmaidens constantly at your disposal so I suppose these problems and concerns Rhaenys and I had during our first few years of having children, will seem like champagne problems."

"I will be taking care of my children, I know that bonding with your children is important and I dont want them to bond with strangers." Taelon corrected. 

"Good lad." Corlys agreed. 

"Ship docking now, three headed red dragon banner." 

"Your father is here." Corlys remarked. "Best go greet him." 

"Thank you for the talk, Lord Corlys." 

Taelon moved to the docks welcoming in his father and Nyra. Tommen ran past them both though and lunged at Taelon. 

"Oh buddy I missed you!" Tommen declared leaping into his arms. 

"I missed you too," Taelon agreed. 

"It's been too fucking long, why didnt you- you got Vhagar." Tommen remarked looking at Vhagar and Rok. 

"Laena did." Taelon agreed. "Father! Nyra- Nyra you are pregnant."

"How can you tell?" Nyra countered looking to her stomach. 

"I was joking..." Taelon countered but his smile fell. "Wait really?" 

"Yeah..." Nyra agreed as she hugged him. 

"Congratulations, our kids will be best of friends. Like you and me are." Taelon remarked. 

"Yeah that would be nice." Nyra agreed. 

"Where is Laenor?"

"He's stuck overseas." Nyra remarked. 

"Prince Taelon, Laena has begun her labors-"

"Excuse me." Taelon kissed Nyra's cheek before running off to be with his wife. 

"Such a good father already." Viserys remarked proudly. 

"I need a drink." Nyra grumbled. She wanted this baby to be Taelon's. She wanted to marry Taelon and now he was being the best father and husband to another woman. 

So Nyra poured a glass and drank up all her champagne problems while Taelon held onto Laena's hand as she delivered twin girls into the world. 

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now