15. Losing Game

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Sober / Daemon Targaryen Out now!

'The Step stones were meant to be won for the realm, but over the past few days, it seems we have traded a crabfeeder for a sea snake. This is clearly a rebuke for the king passing over Lady Laena for Lady Alicent for his queen.' Tyland Lannister remarked as the council listened intently.

'Years have passed since the business with his daughter. Certainly, he cannot still be wrathful?' Viserys pondered.

"Seems he can hold a grudge for generations to come." Taelon remarked. "I was at driftmark, didnt see corlys... Rhaenys seemed quite content with the capital though it could have been a ruse." he added. 

'The Sea Snake is an over-proud man, to be sure, Your Grace. That pride has been injured. Perhaps we can salve the wound?'

'I fear Lord Corlys's pride is the least of our worries. I don't wish to cause you further distress, Your Grace, but my brother has sent disturbing word from Old town. Lord Corlys is said to have engaged in negotiations with the Sea lord of Braavos. He plans to wed his daughter Laena to the Sealord's son. If House Velaryon entered into an alliance with the Free Cities... then... we would have to seek our own marriage pact.' All eyes turned to Nyra and Taelon.

"Fuck no." Taelon grumbled.

"It would secure-"

"They are conniving and manipulative. Acting like me but they are boys screaming the world isnt fair." Taelon declared. "Selling off their daughter like cattle. We wont sell Nyra off. It's a losing game." 

Nyra had never felt more proud but she realized Taelon wasnt speaking up for her because he wanted to be with her but rather he wanted her to have a chance to find real love. It made her love Taelon even more.


'Good night, Ser Criston.' Rhaenyra said as she retired for the night, Taelon was still shouting at the council demanding them think of something else. He wasnt selling off his baby sister.

'Sleep well, Princess.' She closed the door only to see a bag in her room, she dumped out the contents and it revealed dirty clothes, rags really and a scroll. She opened it up and it wasn't a note but a map. She looked at the wall paneling. She pushed the bench away and a hidden passageway opened up she stumbled in.

' Whoa!' she said breathlessly as she looked down at the staircase. She changed into the clothes following the passageway she wasn't surprised to see Daemon waiting for her. But she hesitated not knowing what he was up to, knowing Taelon and his mutual hatred of Daemon but he grabbed her hand leading her down the steps.

'Where are we going?' she questioned as they wandered through the streets, Rhaenyra had never been out after dark, not like this. She was surprised and amazed at everything and everyone. She got to be no one.

'fսck off, boy.' A drunk man said stumbling into her. Rhaenyra gasped giddy

'He called me boy.' Her laughter echoed as she followed daemon through flee bottom.

'Do you wish to know your death, child?' a blind witch cackled down at them but Daemon pulled her along.

'For one night, I wish to be free of the burdens of my title and rank.' Rhaenyra remarked picking at some food a vendor was selling.


It was useless, the festival was going on and Taelon was in a losing battle with the council. He didnt want to sell his sister off, didnt want to be married off either. He felt bad for Laena, being a pawn in Corlys games. 

He moved to tommen's chambers and found it empty he peered around before heading out himself. He went into tour, went to the shops and found some new inks and charcoals, he packed up a chest for Laena for her name day. He debated writing sorry your father is a cunt and marrying you off to a stranger but thought better of it. 

"Driftmark. The high tide." Taelon remarked handing it off at the port along with coin for transportation. 

"Of course my prince, you having a good night? The festival seems in full swing." The sailor remarked. 

"It would be a great night if I were not a prince and my love life didnt hang in the balance." Taelon offered. "Have a good night."

"You too, my prince."


'Four coppers, street rat.' The man shouted at her.

'In King's Landing, we pay for our pleasures.' Daemon told her and she threw the food back at the man and ran.

'Hey! Stop! Boy!'

'Wait, I'll find him.' Daemon assured heading off with a chuckle on his lips.

Rhaenyra had never felt so alive she was breathing heavily as she ran but she collided with a knight with a grunt.

'And who might you be running from, now?' Harwin asked.

'Ser Harwin.' Rhaenyra said kindly and he stared down at her confused

'Princess.' He grumbled. "Your brother know you are here?"

'Don't.' she begged as he daemon coming up behind her.

'You take care, boy. Next time, you might not be so lucky.' Ser Harwin remarked.

'Enjoyed that, did you?' Daemon questioned coming up behind her.

'Who knows when I'll next taste freedom?' Rhaenyra reminded him.


Alicent was staring at the ceiling when her handmaiden came in saying the king requested her. If Taelon was the king she wouldnt have grumbled and dragged her feet about it. But sex with viserys was being mounted. There was no passion, no love, just waiting for Viserys to be done so she could wash away the horrors of the night. 


Meanwhile, Rhaenyra was getting her first experience with pleasures of the body as well.

'What is this place?'

'It's where people come to take what they want.' Daemon told her as they walked through the pleasure house. She looked around at the people so openly fucking all around her, their moans echoed. 'Fսcking is a pleasure, you see. For the woman as it is the man.' Daemon informed her.

'A marriage is a duty...'

'Yes. But that doesn't stop us from doing what we want. From fucking who we want.' Daemon told her getting closer.

"NYRA?" Tommen hissed. She spun around. "What the fuck are you doing?" Tommen demanded.

"Back off Strong." Daemon demanded.

"Nyra, come on." Tommen demanded grabbing her arm. "What were you thinking?"

"Daemon just... I wasnt going to." Nyra assured.

"Damnit how did you... you know about the passageways, dont you?" Tommen remarked and she nodded embarrassed. "Nyra, Taelon is going to pitch a fit if you were hurt, Gods Daemon?"

"It was stupid." Nyra admitted. He pulled her arm leading her back through the passageway. "Don't tell Taelon. I don't want him to worry." Nyra begged.

"I don't like hiding things from him Nyra."

"Don't think of it as hiding..." Nyra stared back at him as he closed the passageway.

"Daemon wanted to fuck you." Tommen remarked. "Taelon would have killed him."

"I dont want Daemon. Taelon... he... Tommen..." Nyra whispered.

"Get some sleep Nyra." But she grabbed his arm. She stared up at him. "Nyra..." Tommen whispered.

"Please..." Nyra whispered kissing him.

"Nyra, Taelon would kill me." Tommen remarked.

"Please..." Nyra begged.

"Get some sleep." Tommen repeated moving to the passage way. "Sleep Nyra no funny business. I mean it!" Tommen declared "Gods you are like my sister Nyra. Im not into that Targaryen incest shit," tommen remarked wiping at his lips and leaving her all alone. She paced the room before opening her door and pulling Criston inside.

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