58. Coward

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Jace had a suspicion. He didnt want to voice it because it was a bad suspicion. But not for him. Laenor was off at sea again and Jace was mad. Why would his father choose to leave for moons at a time. It didnt make sense.

Tommen Strong however made time for Jace. He trained with him. Ran to the pits with him. Treated him just like how he treated Davinas children. His own children. So of course it got jace thinking. He thought he always knew. He headd the whispered words of bastard. Then uncle taelon whipped tommens ass when he was little. He didnt remember that but he was told that tommen was licking his wounds for days.

But there was one thing that didnt fit in jaces suspicion. His mother and tommen didnt seem to be in love. Tommen was in love with Davina. He doted upon her constantly. Just like he doted on her boys and Jace. It was confusing. Jace thought parents were supposed to love each other like laena and Taelon did. But rhaenyra spent more time with ser harwin these days.

Jace didnt think harwin was his father though. Harwin was good to him. Kind tk him and luke but tommen treated him right. Like a father and son. At least thats what jace thought a father and son should be and do. His named father seemed to want less and less to do with him recently. He made a friend and he was off often with him. Even when he was at the capital he was drinking with a man named Qarl.

Jace didn't understand. He didnt know if he wanted to but he knew one thing for sure without a doubt... if tommen strong wasnt his father. Jace wanted him to be.

"I thought you proposed like 5 times." Laena remarked.

"No he chickens out every time." Taelon corrected.

"Im just waiting for the right moment." Tommen corrected.

"When is that going to be? When shes drunk?" Laena mused.

"Or high?"  Taelon offered.

"Did i tell you about larys the drug dealer?" Tommen countered.

"Yes. Dont change the subject." Taelon agreed.

"Umm what?" Laena countered looking between them. "Larys. Your brother larys... a drug dealer?"

"Yes its a funny story-" tommen agreed.

"Dont get off topic," taelon corrected. "I will tell you later. It is hilarious." Taelon agreed.

"Great." Laena agreed leaning into taelon. Tommen stared back at them. "Dont you want to be happy like us?" Laena pondered. There was a dead silent moment before tommen shouted out.

"Of course I do! But Im scared im going to lose her and the boys. Scare her off by confessing my love! Is that what you want to head? I tommen strong am scared."

Taelon glanced past tommen to see davina and tatum. Davina nudged Tatum and he ran towards tommen grabbing his legs. Davina however didnt like commitment and fled from it constantly. She was scared of having that talk with tommen to. So she crept away all while Tommen picked up Tatum.

Taelon sighed ruffling Tatums hair.

"Maybe its best you wait until you feel brave enough to tell her to her face that you are the man for her." Taelon agreed.

"Daddy is a coward," tommen told Tatum.

"Brave!" Tatum corrected hugging tommen tight. Laena wanted a little boy. One just like taelon.

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now