7. Never Lose Me

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"Oh, big news?" Tommen asked passing Taelon in the hallway.

"Father is announcing his bride to be." Taelon agreed.

"Poor girl." Tommen teased leaning against Nyra's closed door. Taelon glanced over at him as Taelon leaned arms crossed over his chest against the wall next to the door. "So, after the big shindig I think we take a trip-" Tommen tumbled back into Nyra's door as she opened the door. She stared down at Tommen before looking to Taelon's laughing face.

"Just walk across him. He's fine." Taelon assured holding a hand out for Nyra.

"Oh, yes..." Tommen agreed groaning on the ground. "Everything about me just screams I'm fine, not broken at all." TOmmen mused as Nyra took Taelon's hand stepping around Tommen.

"If you are still lying dead there when we are done, I will get the maesters." Taelon teased as they walked down to meet their new mother to be. "You alright?" Taelon asked as Nyra was unusually quiet. She nodded holding onto his hand that was draped over her shoulders.

"Its just going to be weird having a new mother." Nyra offered.  "Especially someone younger than-" Nyra stopped herself as he nudged her into the small council room. Alicent stared at them as they came in.

"Alicent." Taelon remarked kindly. "Laena."

"My prince." Alicent whispered staring back at him.

"I stole it." Laena whispered coming up to Taelon and holding out his dragon sketchbook. "Sorry. I didnt mean to."

"You fall asleep dreaming of dragons?" Taelon pondered and Laena nodded enthusiastically. "You can keep it." Taelon offered handing it back to her.

"Really!" Laena beamed up at him.

"Laena." Corlys requested summoning her back to his side. Taelon nodded and Laena clutched the book to her chest as she made her way to her father.

"What was that?" Nyra whispered.

"Dragons." Taelon answered simply.  Nyra leaned back into Taelon and tilted her head back looking up at him. Wordlessly he kissed her cheek wrapping his arms around her.

'Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council. His gaze locked on his children. Nyra leaned back into Taelon as his arms draped over her shoulders. Taelon was grateful his father wasnt gathering them all proposing a surprise union for Taelon.

"the Lady Alicent Hightower before spring's end." Viserys declared. Taelon looked to Alicent her face offered a small smile but he saw the wave of nausea sweep over her.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"And I am your King." Viserys reminded. He stared back at his daughter. Taelon felt her shifting in his arms. "Rhaenyra." Viserys called but she was already moving out of the room.

"I got her." Taelon remarked heading out but Viserys tapped on the table and stopped him.

"I have also set up a royal tour for Prince Taelon. Heir to the iron throne." Viserys declared and taelon turned back to him.


"You will travel westeros after the wedding and find a suitable bride of your choosing."

"Of my choosing you say?" Taelon repeated

"Yes. A Nobel house to form an alliance with. I assure you your tour will be plentiful."


"House Velaryon's origins reach back to Old Valyria. More ancient even than House Targaryen... according to some texts." Corlys remarked. "But unlike the Targaryens, we were no dragon lords. For centuries, my house had to scratch out an existence from the sea with grit and luck. When I ascended the Driftwood Throne... I knew what I wanted.'Corlys said solemnly.

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