38. Don't Get Married

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Long Live / Rhaegar Targaryen / Elia Martell out now!

Taelon didnt know how women did it. Laena was back on her feet, running around, riding her dragon, chasing after the twins and Taelon was sure if he pushed a human out of his body was would have been in bed for a year. But four moons in and Laena was back to her normal self.  Twins, two girls forced from her body and you would never know it, she was amazing. 

Laenor was still fighting over seas but Laena wrote to him again and he was coming back to meet his nieces. Aemna and Rhaena, after their mothers. 

Little Aemna was giggling nonstop. She kept giggling as she toppled back into a mountain of stuffies. All dragons and sea creatures. 

Corlys would spend his time baby sitting telling the girls about the different creatures of the sea. 

"This is a stingray-" He would hold up the toy and make it swim through the room as they girls watched him with fascination. 

"Mena, you want to sit with daddy?" Laena questioned. "My legs are falling asleep." Aemna nodded reaching up. Taelon put her between his legs. She babbled out smiling up at him. 

"Are you going to design their rooms here?" Laena questioned as she shook out her legs. "My father has ideas but I told him you are a mastermind and could do it perfectly." 

"We are." Taelon corrected. 

"I'm not that good yet, you though-"

"THink about it Laena, when the girls grow up they will get to say their mother and father painted their rooms... and if they hate it well we can paint over it." Taelon offered. 


Taelon was painting Aemna's room. TOmmen and Davina were drinking when Laena came in with fresh supplies. 

"Join us." Davina declared holding out a glass. 

"Davina, when did you get here?" Laena questioned. 

"Just like- five minutes ago and I needed a drink, anit that right Tommen?" Davina purred. 

"So pretty." Tommen agreed leaning into her. 

"They are useless." Taelon offered. 

"Rude, also if I ever set down roots I want you painting Gavin's room, hell mine." Davina remarked. 

"Gavin?" Tommen questioned. 

"Her son." Laena recalled. 

"You have a son?" Tommen questioned. 

"Yeah, keep up, Strong." Davina agreed. 

Ocean waves and dragons soared over Aemna's room. Taelon was so talented. Laena watched him work as she plucked a few grapes from the side table. Davina finished off the bottle as she settled between Tommen's legs. Tommen anchored his legs around Davina keeping her hostage to him.

Taelon wiped his hands taking a step back. Gavin ran in just in time.

"What do you think handsome?" Davina questioned, "You want uncle Taelon to paint your room one day?" 

"I dont want to stay here forever, a weird man keeps talking to me." Gavin countered. 

"A weird man?" Laena countered confused. 

"He chased me down the hall shouting who are you what are you doing here? Where is your mother!" Gavina declared. 

"What did you say?" Davina pondered. 

"Fuck off old fart or I dracarys your ass." Gavin informed her. 

"He is charming." Tommen offered. 

"He is." Davina agreed as she got up. 

"Laena, I saw a rude little boy-" Corlys began and then she saw Gavin. "Him."

"Did you just call my son rude?" Davina demanded. 

"Hells... more Targaryens." Corlys grumbled shaking his head. 

"Father this is Davina and her son Gavin, we met them on our way to find Vhagar." Laena declared. "Is Gaena here?" 

"Yes." Davina agreed, she didnt offer any more explanation. 

"Another roaming Targaryen," Corlys agreed as he headed out. 

"Who are you?" Gavina questioned tommen. "I dont know you." 

"I'm TOmmen, so nice to meet you, I want to make love to your mother, is that okay?" Tommen offered. 

"You are so blunt, he is four!" Laena declared. Gavin looked between his mother and Tommen before giving him a shrug. 

"If she likes you then I dont care but if you hurt her I dracarys your ass." Gavin added. Tommen nodded looking to Davina. 

"I think I just got permission to ask you out on a proper date." 

"Thats so sweet." Laena declared leaning into Taelon. 

"Dont get married, and get her a dragon though." Taelon countered Laena swatted a hand at him. "The romance goes down from there." 

"Shut up it does not." Laena countered. 

"Vhagar and Rok see more action than us." Taelon corrected. 

"I just had a baby. Two babies! I just had twins!" 

"And I'm not judging you, and didnt mean right now... I meant before hand." Taelon offered. 

"You are still jealous of Vhagar." Laena declared. 

"You get up and leave me, it hurts a mans feelings." 

"At least shes not sneaking off to find another man." Davina offered. "Yet." 

"Dont yet, don't yet!" Taelon spat Laena laughed out. "Don't laugh either, Gods my heart." 

"Yeah, I'm not a marriage type of person." Davina assured. "Hence, Gavin." she gestured dramatically to him. 

"Hence Gavin." Gavin agreed. 

"Davina," Gaena whined out as she entered the room. "Oh, hi Laena."

"Hi, Gaena." 

"I'm late. Am I having a pirate baby?" Gaena declared. 

"This seems like girl talk." Tommen offered. "Taelon?"

"Yeah, I will check on the babies." Taelon agreed putting his brushes aside. 

"I will help." Tommen agreed. 

"Babies," Gaena sobbed out. "Father would be rolling in his grave if we didnt burn him." 

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now