51. Did I Kill You?

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Rhaenyra and Laenor had a friendship, any good marriage should start with friendship. But Rhaenyra and Laenor were not ever going to feel the love that Taelon and Laena felt. 

Over breaking fast the next morning the kids were excited for a day on the water with Corlys, Leana was still on her Taelon high and Taelon decided he was no longer a morning person as he tipped his tea, his eyes half open. 

"You alright Taelon?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"Yeah, I'm just... tired." Taelon remarked. Laena reached over running a hand through his hair, he smiled looking to her. 

But tired turned into a sore and scratchy throat, coughing and sneezing and blowing the most disgusting of things from his nose. 

The kids were playing outside while Corlys got the boat ready when he saw Taelon, hands on his thighs panting for breath. 

"You and Laenor duel?" Corlys mused. 

"My chest hurts." Taelon corrected. 

"Stand up, lad." Corlys instructed and put a hand to his head. "You're warm. Pale too.''

"I dont feel good." Taelon admitted. 

"Come on lets get you inside. Can't have the crowned prince dying on us." Corlys mused. 

"What?" Taelon demanded through a heavy coughing fit. 

"We have the best maesters, dont worry they will take a look and get you back on your feet." Corlys assured. 

"Dying?" Taelon rasped spitting up a wad of gunk from the back of his throat. "What is that?" 

Taelon never got sick. Never. So coming down with the flu he was a big baby about it. He had been through wars, bled and fought, broken bones and stitches and yet this was awful. 

"My everything hurts! Am I dying? I feel like I'm dying." Taelon moaned out. 

"Is daddy going to be okay?" Rhaena questioned. 

"He is going to be fine, we have the very best maesters taking care of him." Rhaenys assured. 

"Mama?" Aemna whispered as Taelon blew his nose seemingly shaking the whole island of driftmark. 

"I feel like I got run over by a carriage, and a ship and a dragon." Taelon sneezed again. "What is coming out of me!" He demanded disgusted. 

"Oh, poor baby." Laena coed giving him more tea. 

"I'm dying, this is it. Tell my father-"

"We are going to get you well again but I'm keeping the girls out so they dont catch this." Laena remarked. 

"Yeah, Gods I got you sick? Are you sick? DId I kill you too?"

"I feel fine." Laena corrected. "You rest, I will take care of the girls and give them your love. You rest." She repeated. 

"I feel useless." Taelon murmured blowing his nose again. "What the hell is that? LOok at that!" He held up his handkerchief.

"Taelon, I love you but I dont want to see your snot." Laena remarked kindly. 

"Right... its gross." He informed her. 

"So Taelon is sick." Laenor remarked. "And my parents are still pushing for another child." 

"I'm not in the mood." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"Neither am I." Laenor assured. Not with you he thought with a smirk. "I'm just warning you. You can ignore them if they have the baby talk." Rhaenyra nodded looking to Jace and Luke. 

"Jace spends a lot of time with Tommen when he's at the capital." Laenor remarked. "He was telling me about all the fun him and Davina's boys have with Tommen." 

"Ser Tommen is a friend." Rhaenyra agreed. "You know that." 

"Yes, I... yes." Laenor agreed. "What we did..."

"Lets not talk about it." Rhaenyra countered. "I have been shamed enough for our actions." 

"I know that Jace... it's just... Luke... we hadnt and you hadnt right?" 

"Right." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"Because Taelon looked ready to kill Tommen but since the boys look so much a like... they have to be mine." Laenor offered even though a part of him knew it was a lie.

"They are my children Laenor. When you stop sailing around the world fighting in wars then they can be your children too." 

"Thats not fair, we had a deal." Laenor reminded her. 

"Yes and so you will have to forgive me if you are not Jace's favorite person in the world when he doesnt see you as much as he sees Tommen and Taelon." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"Thats why I wanted us to come here. Thats why I wanted us to... be a family, spend some time together, the four of us. You are my friend rhaenyra, I dont want that to stop." Laenor remarked. 

"And you are my friend." Rhaenyra agreed. "Which is why we came here, for you, for whatever it is you want to do." 

"I want to bond, to have a connection with my sons." Laenor remarked. 

"Then why are you talking to me?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"You are right." Laenor agreed getting up and moving to his boys and Laena's girls. "Are you having fun without me?" Laenor questioned picking Luke up, he laughed out happily. 

"Me next! Me Next!" Jace requested jumping up and down when Laenor flipped Luke upside down. 

"Laena... am I going to die? Dont lie to me." Taelon begged. 

"We are all going to die." Laena corrected. "But not today." 

"Are you sure?" Taelon countered blowing his nose again. 

"What do we say to the God of death?" Laena questioned, Taelon chuckled thickly through the mucus. 

"Not today."

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now