55. At Least I Have A Cat

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Wither / Jaime Lannister out now!

"Whats this?" Rhaena questioned dropping to the ground when she saw a little kitten playing with a feather. "Who is this mama!"

"Your father and I thought you needed a little buddy." Laena remarked.

"Because i dont have a dragon." Rhaena agreed softly.

"Because you dont have one yet and everyone needs a furry friend." Laena corrected.

"Hes mine?" Rhaena whispered reaching for the kitten. He rolled over the festher caught between his paws. "He is orange like fire."

"Thought you would like it," taelon agreed. Aemna ran past him dropping beside Rhaena.

"Hes so cute!" Aemna declared. Rhaena stared done at the cat as he rolled over as if finally seeing them too distracted by the feather.

"What are you going to name him?" Laena pondered. He pounced up the wind blowing the feather off the ground. He chased after it. Pouncing back down catching it between his paws.

"Pounce. Ser pounce." Rhaena decided.

"Thats a lovely name." Laena agreed.

Pounce wasnt a dragon but he was a good distraction.

Rhaena and aemond played with pounce. He jumped on the bed leaping off like an acrobat. Aemna, Jace and Gavin were in the pits with their dragons. Aemond sighed when he looked outside seeing the kids bubbly with laughter.

Rhaena stared back at him before looking down at pounce. She had a cat. Her own cat. One that got to snuggle in bed with her and gave her kisses. If she thought about it really thought about it. a cat was better than a dragon... no it wasnt.

Laena couldnt get enough of dragon riding. She knew how rhaena felt. The longing and sadness. The feeling of not belonging. But the wait was worth it. She had the largest dragon and she had the best husband and best daughters and when she had a son - one day hopefully soon- she would have the best son. Good things come to those who wait.

Rhaena didnt want to wait. Aemond didnt want to wait. Laena hated the wait but now she laughed out smiling over at taelon as they soared through the air.

"Dracarys!" Laena demanded and Vhagar puffed out fire. Taelon and rok soared through the smoke vhagar created in the air.

"You love saying dragonfire." Taelon remarked.

"Its the best word." Laena agreed.

"Race you back down?"

"Go!" Laena shouted to both vhagar and taelon as she took off. She always had the biggest most beautiful of smiles when she was racing taelon.

"Your parents are back," aemond remarked seeing laena and taelon landing on their dragons.

"I want a dragon like Ragnarok." Rhaena whispered.

"I think vhagar is really cool." Aemond countered moving to sit beside her again. "The worlds largest dragon. Was your mother scared when she went up to vhagar for the first time? To claim her?"

"I suppose so. She was with my dad." Rhaena reminded him. "They took a ship and Rok flew above them... my daddy promised her that he wouldnt fly again until she flew her own dragon." Rhaena smiled to herself.

"He really loved her. I wouldnt give up flying for anyone if I had a dragon." Aemond admitted honestly.

"Me either." Rhaena agreed. "But he had faith mama would fly. That they would fly together."

"I dont think my parents love each other." Aemond whispered. "My mum loves me but my father... I wish taelon was my father not my brother." Aemond murmured. Pounce jumped up pulling on the strings of aemonds shirt.

"You can be my honorary brother." Rhaena offered. Aemond smiled back at her when they both heard chanting it seemed coming from the hallway.

"Baby dragon Baby dragon Baby dragon Baby dragon-" davina declared moving to Tatums room. "BABY DRAGON IN THE HOUSE!"

"Tatums egg hatched." Aemond realized.

"Hes so little." Rhaena whined.

"What if we never get a dragon?" Aemond questioned hopelessly.

"At least I have a cat."

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now