28. Black Pearl

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"I will see you soon." Taelon assured.

"I dont like this. I should be coming." Tommen corrected. 

"I did warn Laena that you would be butting in on our lives constantly but I do owe it to her to make up for the past few moons." Taelon corrected and Tommen groaned melodramatically. "I will see you soon, brother." Taelon assured. 

"Kill me now," Tommen countered. "How will I survive?"

"Find a way." Taelon teased pressing a kiss to his forehead as though TOmmen was a child. 

"I know you did that as a joke, but jokes on you I found that very comforting, thank you very much." Tommen remarked before heading off. 

"Bye Tommen." Laena waved back at him. 

"Nyra, Laenor... take care of Tommen for me. He gets bored and lonely." Taelon requested. 

"Take care of my sister." Laenor countered shaking his hand. 

"Of course, I will bring her back in one piece and with a dragon if all goes well." Taelon agreed. 

"Bye Laenor." Laena whispered hugging him tight. 

"Don't let Taelon push you around." Laenor teased. "Push him around, you are the boss."

"I am the boss." Laena agreed but she couldnt keep a straight face. "I'm okay with not being the boss." Laena assured. 

"This is your dragon hunt." Taelon corrected. "I'm at your mercy." Laena couldnt hide her smile. 

"Safe trip Tael." Nyra whispered hugging him tight. 

"I will be back before you know it." Taelon assured holding onto her. "Bye love bug." 

"Bye." Nyra whispered but she didnt let go. 

"Is that the ship?" Laenor questioned running to the edge. "Wow, she's a beauty." 

"Said to be." Taelon agreed pulling away from Nyra. "Gorgeous ship... called the Black Pearl."

"That's pretty." Laena agreed. "Whos the captain? I know father offered to sail us anywhere but... well neither of us want that.  I assure you." Laena teased lightly and Laenor nodded. 

"Maybe we should come too!" Laenor declared but Laena shook her head vigorously. 

"No, No!" Laena corrected. "That's a hard pass." 

"Hard..." Laenor chuckled and Laena swatted a hand at him. 

"You and Rhaenyra could go somewhere but you are not joining us." Laena declared. "Not this time at least." Laenor chuckled glancing back at Rhaenyra but she was unamused. 

"Safe travels. Enjoy the black pearl."

"We will." Laena agreed pulling Taelon along. 


"Ahhh, boys straighten up, fix your damn collar we are escorting royalty! Royalty! He pays big too."  


"Yes thats right. Me. I'm the damn captain, come on now... here they are... look alive fuckers!"

"Black sails?" Laena whispered. 

"My cousin knew the pirate." Taelon offered. 

"A pirate?" Laena rasped. 

"They know the waves best." Taelon agreed. "You are perfectly safe, these lads are said to be more jolly then vicious." Laena nodded holding tighter to Taelon all the same.

"Welcome aboard the Black Pearl!" Jack announced and Laena smiled back at her Taelon. She had grown up on the water so that Taelon wanted to sail instead of fly until she got her own dragon made her feel even more loved. "I'm captain Jack Sparrow!"

"Thank you for having us." Taelon remarked shaking Jacks hand.

"Of course, of course and what an honor it is to sail the crowned prince to essos!" Jack declared

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"Of course, of course and what an honor it is to sail the crowned prince to essos!" Jack declared

"This is my wife Laena." Taelon introduced and Jack dramatically kissed laenas hand with a swooping bow.

"Welcome, welcome, come! Lets get this love fest on the seas!" Jack declared. "Just married, thats lovely, I'm married to the sea... less fucking but I love her but she is a brutal mistress." 

"My father says the same." Laena agreed.  Jack snapped his fingers thrice. 

"Velaryon!" Jack declared. "Your old man is Corlys... Velaryon, is he not?"

"He is." Laena agreed. 

"Wonderful, wonderful! We got a sea born with us... You dont happen to have a sister thats looking for a pirate husband?" Jack pondered. 

"Just a brother." Laena corrected. 

"Shame." Jack agreed. "Alright, raise anchor!" He hollered out. 

 Taelon looked to Ragnarok as he soared above them.  They would sail, they would sail until Laenor got Vhagar and then they would fly home together. 

"Ready for the trip of a lifetime savvy?" 

A/N- If you know me at all you know I love some Jack Sparrow and the black pearl so Jack popping up shouldnt be a surprise. 

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now