26. Whatever May Come

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Aegon screamed. Criston dropped the blade, Alicent heard it clatter to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Alicent questioned.

"I... your grace, I'm sorry. I... I..." Criston couldnt get the words out.

"What you did with Rhaenyra was... unwise. What you did tonight..." Alicent hesitated as she took a step closer. "Did the knight say something? Know something? Offend you?" ALicent offered.

"He was Laenors... sworn sword." Criston offered. Alicent nodded in understanding. "He... I shouldnt have." Criston acknowledged. "I was foolish and acted rashly. I... I'm sorry my queen. I cant live with myself. For all the things I have done. I'm ashamed. I can't... I can't live on like this." Criston declared. "I'm sorry. No one was supposed to... I didnt mean to scare the little prince."

"You have been very honest with me Ser Criston." Alicent remarked. "You could have easily lied to me that day. But you respected me enough to tell me the truth even though you knew it might mean your death. You are a brave man, a good solider, come into my service." Alicent requested. "You can have a fresh start, a clean slate."  


Not the honey moon Laena was hoping for. Taelon was with Nyra and the maesters as they were working on Viserys. Taking his arm from the sounds of it. 

"Laena," Rhaenys coed. 

"Hi mama." Laena whispered.  Rhaenys brought a hand to her cheek. 

"Taelon likes you, dont worry, whatever may come, remember my dearest?" Rhaenys reminded her. 

"Whatever may come." Laena agreed softly. 

"You should check on him. I"m sure he would like that." Rhaenys offered and Laena shrugged. 

"It seems a personal, private matter." Laena countered. 

"You are his wife." Rhaenyra reminded her. "His business is your business."


Taelon paced anxiously, was this a sign? It had to be a sign. A bad sign that death and madness would follow them. Was that it? No, he had to believe that things were not as bad as they certainly seemed. Yet they were sawing away Viserys arm. Taking his arm because of an unknown disease that Taelon had not realized was this bad.

He spent hours pacing, they were going to save him. He wasn't ready to be king. He wasn't responsible enough.

"Taelon?" Nyra questioned and he tensed before looking to her.

"Don't tell me bad news, I can't handle it." Taelon begged.

"I don't know anything," Nyra corrected. "I just heard you talking to yourself... you want to talk to me?"

"I'm scared Nyra. Did you know it was this bad?"

"No... I had no idea but I was off being a moody little dragon." Nyra teased.

"You were but its okay, I'm no cup of tea either." Taelon assured. 

"He will be fine." Nyra assured. 

"And if he's not?"

"You will be a great king." Nyra assured him. "I know it."

"I'm not ready. I'm not past my rebellious phase yet." Taelon corrected. "I'm not responsible enough to run the kingdom, the realms, everyone was right." Taelon rasped. "I'm not ready. I can't be king."

"Snap out of it." Nyra demanded grabbing his hands. "You are ready. I hope for both our sakes father lives but Taelon if he does perish, you will be a great king. I know that without a single doubt in my mind."

"Thank you Nyra." Taelon rasped hugging her. "But he is going to be okay, because he has to be."

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now