11. Warrior of Legends

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"Father... I was hoping we might discuss something.' Taelon remarked as he sat down beside him when they got back home, kicking his feet up getting comfortable while Viserys looked a tad drunk. More than a tad.

'Rhaenyra?' Viserys questioned 'I do not think she enjoyed Jason Lannister's company. She is cross.'

'You thought she would be?" Taelon countered with a hearty laugh.

'Rhaenyra has come of age. So have you..." viserys reminded him "She must needs marry a high lord who will honor her, defend her, serve and guide her. Her wishes in this matter are irrelevant.' Viserys declared.

"If so you would have already forced her and I to marry." Taelon countered. "You don't want to piss off the moody little dragon." Taelon snooped at the table picking up a scrool. "Oh, Vaemond Velaryon." Taelon declared. "What did those fools get into now?"

'Yeah. He's fighting in the Stepstones, with all the rest of them.' Viserys told him pouring another drink.

"I think you have had enough." Taelon countered taking the glass from him and drinking it himself. "Lets see..." Taelon read through it as the fire crackled and Viserys sighed leaning back in his chair. 'Corlys the cunt and Daemon the douchbag are losing their war.'

'Badly, by all accounts.' Viserys agreed.

'This is a plea for aid. I knew those fuckers could not take the pressure. Then why not send it?' Taelon questioned

'Because it is a war started by two malcontents, unhappy with decisions I made. If I now provide Daemon and Corlys succor, what will that say of their king?' Viserys countered

"That Daemon is useless without you." Taelon declared. "Without the crown. He is nothing and going to die. I'm all for it but I had hoped to kick his ass first before he died.''

'I am forever doomed to anger one person in the pleasing of another.' Viserys reminded him.

' Is it better for the realm if the Crabfeeder thrives, or is vanquished?" Taelon countered.

"You are so smart." Viserys declared.

"Got my brains from you pop." Taelon declared. "Got my stamina and ale tolerance from mum apparently."


"Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam.' Viserys instructed 'Hand-deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself.'

'"At once, Your Grace.' He agreed

"Dwarfstone?' Rhaenyra questioned

"I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones.'

"Did he make call for help?'

'He would sooner die." Taelon corrected. "Vaemond was eager for assistance though."

"But his king does not mean to allow the death os his only brother." Viserys told his daughter as she took a seat. 'Do you not think my decision correct?'

'It is no consequence to what I think... as I'm often reminded.' Rhaenyra told him calmly.

"Hey bonding, new leaf, lets try that with father." Taelon encouraged. Nyra sighed glancing to him.

'Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?'

'If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock.' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly.

"Yeah that was a fuck up on his part." Taelon agreed.

'I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped? Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted as if to the death?' Viserys asked

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