70. Grasping at Straws

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"She is clearly grasping at straws." Laena remarked. "Trying to get on Alicent's good side but a union to Jace doesnt get them anything." 

"A union to our girls would... I was thinking about that-"

"I dont want them forced into a union Taelon, my father tried to sell me off to yours, remember? I was 12 and terrified." Laena remarked. 

"No, no, just... you see how they are with Aemond?"

"They adore him." Laena agreed. 

"He reminds me of me at times." Taelon remarked. "I think he could be good for them, one of them when the time comes." 

"I think they would fight over who got him." Laena countered. 

"Probably right." Taelon agreed. 

"I usually am." Laena reminded him as she snuggled into his side. 

 ''Your Grace, I feel... I have come to resign my position as Hand of the King. The episode in the yard this morning. My son Harwin has disgraced himself and every fishwife in King's Landing will soon be telling the tale.'' Lyonel told Viserys and Alicent.

''Young Harwin's outburst was unfortunate, it's true. But he's been expelled from the City Watch. That seems punishment enough.'' Viserys told him

''Forgive me, Your Grace, it is not.'' Lyonel told them sadly.

''You have served me faithfully for many years, 10 as Hand. Your advice has been sage, unmarked by self-interest... which stands in contrast to all others.'' Viserys assured

''You speak kind words... but there is a shadow over my house and it grows... ever darker. I can no longer serve you with integrity.'' Lyonel told him solemnly.

''What is this shadow? Name it, if it casts such a gloom.'' Viserys offered

''Yes... we must have your reasoning in plain language.'' Alicent agreed smugly.

''I cannot.'' Lyonel told him.

''Then I cannot accept this.''

''My dear husband...'' Alicent offered, anything to get her father back as hand.

''I said no!'' Viserys spat.

''If you insist, my King.'' Lyonel said softly

''I do. You will continue in your service to the crown.'' Viserys said through a deep breath.

''I would then ask leave to take my son from court and escort him back to the family seat at Harrenhal. He is my heir and will be lord of Harren's castle one day. It is time he assumed his duties there.'' Lyonel countered

''Do it.'' 

"I worry about the future, if Harwin stays and they have another-"

"You beat him up in the yard and he still did it again." Laena reminded him. "What if its love?"

"Rhaenyra is married." Taelon corrected. "She is a princess, she..."

"She can't get love?" Laena questioned. 

"Thats not what I meant." Taelon assured. "Because I love you." 

"Why can't she have love too?" Laena countered.

"Because she is married to another man, your brother." Taelon reminded her. "In case you forgot, it is forgettable, Laenor who?" she smiled into him. 

"I love Laenor but we both know he would rather bed you than Rhaenyra." 

"Oh, you have some competition?" Taelon teased. 

"If I didnt know how much you loved my body, I would be worried that Laenor would try to steal you." Laena agreed. 


"Heavens bar the door." Laena half teased. 

"My father is taking Harwin back to Harenhal." Tommen declared. 

"What? When?" Taelon countered. 

"Tomorrow." Tommen remarked. "They... Harwin was removed from-"

"I know I did that." Taelon agreed, Tommen nodded. 

"Good choice. But he is taking him home, he is the eldest he will be lord of Harenhall and father is taking him home... they... they wanted me to come." 

"I wont stop you but I want you at driftmark." Taelon countered. 

"I want to be there for the birth of next Godchild!" Tommen assured. "Father just thinks that a change from the capital will be good." 

"Probably smart but not Harenhall, that place is cursed." Taelon remarked. 

"We used to run through the castle and try to catch ghosts." Tommen recalled a smile on his face. "I'm staying with you. You can't get rid of me." Tommen assured. "Just wanted you to know."

"Thank you for telling me, we are flying out tomorrow." 

"You can ride with me and I wont even put you in Vhagars mouth." Laena remarked. 

"You told her the story?" Tommen declared giving Taelon a pointed look. 

"She's my wife I tell her every embarrassing thing about you." Taelon agreed with a cheeky grin. 

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