72. Unburnt

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Night had fallen as the storm played on and Taelon had pulled Laena to bed under the sound of the rain. He tilted her chin up and captured her lips. His kiss stayed, connecting, as her body built and fell beneath him, the sound of his name a whisper in the dark. She fell asleep against him. Felt his fingers threading through her hair. Slow and simple and it made her smile. Made his pulse that much stronger in his veins. She was staying. Soft and here and he lay his forehead against hers.

But she woke up in the night with a pain in between her legs. It was time. 

"Taelon, the baby is coming." Laena declared.  

Try as Rhaenys might, no maesters could save Laena from her labors, the baby was in breech. She couldn't save her daughter.

''Push, my Lady.'' Laena screamed and screeched as she tried to deliver Taelon another child but it would not come.

''Push! Push!'' She continued screaming and wailing to no avail. 'Push!'

''You must push!'


Taelon's head was throbbing, they had kicked him out of the room and all heard was push, over and over again and his own mother death replayed in his mind. He wanted to be there for Laena. 

''It needs to come now!'' the surgeon told her as she wailed out in pain. As if she wasnt trying like hell to get her baby out. They tried adjusting her position, they tired moving the baby, getting it in a better position but nothing was working, the baby was stuck. 

''Push! Push!'' they all begged her.

"Laena, please be okay." Taelon begged as Rhaenys stayed by her side, Taelon was apparently not being helpful at her side, more nervous than Laena. 

''You must push now, my Lady!'' but she was tired and knew it was no use. She tried to push, but she was growing more and more weak, it was no use, she was going to die, this was going to kill her. She just wanted another child and it was going to kill her. 

''I've reached the limit of my art. The child 'will not come.'' The surgeon told Taelon. ''I am very sorry, my Prince. We could lay open the womb... try to remove the infant by way of the blade. But I cannot say for a surety whether it lives.''

''Cut her open?" Taelon countered. "No, you... you can't cut her open... she wouldnt survive that... you people did that to my mother." Taelon remarked. "She's dead you can't kill Laena, you have to save her." Taelon demanded. 

''My prince-''

"You have to save Laena." Taelon demanded kissing her clammy head. 

"I need a moment." Laena begged. 

"You take your time while these idiots figure out how to save you." Taelon agreed. Rhaenys and Corlys tried to find a way to save their daughter but none of the techniques were going to save Laena, either way, the baby would rip right through her, one way or another. 

"Its okay its going to be okay." Taelon assured kissing her gently. 

"I love you Taelon." Laena rasped. "Can... can you get me some water?"

"Yes, yes, I will be right back." Taelon agreed running off and Laena watched him go before she pulled herself up while everyone else was trying to figure out how to get the baby out and now kill Laena, Laena was ready to die, the pain too much. 

Laena pulled herself up with a grunt dragging herself outside.

''Vhagar, dracarys. Agh!'' she whimpered out. Vhagar stared down at her.'' Dracarys! Dracarys!'' she begged but she just stared at Laena. she wanted to die a dragon riders death, by fire. ''Dracarys. Dracarys!'' she wailed as she dragged herself to Vhagar.

''Dracarys.'' Laena whispered and Taelon's eyes went wide. Vhagar wailed out blasting her away. 

"Laena no!" Taelon demanded running towards her. "Vhagar no!"  Taelon stumbled back the flames too hot, he watched the fire burn away before him. Leaving Leana no more. ''Laena!'' Taelon demanded dropping down before her. "Vhagar what did you do!" Taelon demanded as if she would answer him. She was following her masters orders. 

Laena had screamed out dracarys burning herself to ash and bones but Taelon heard a little cry and he blew the ashes aside in disbelief. The baby was unburnt. Taelon pulled a son from the ashes of Laena. He had a son, lost a wife. Lost his love. But he held up his son, unburnt.


The Lucky One / Rhaenys Targaryen / Taelon Targaryen 

Champagne Problems// Laena VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now